Waking Up At Night, Your Experiences?


Sep 6, 2010
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Hi all,

So I feel a little off the wall talking about this stuff, as I am huge sceptic and as far away from religious and/or spiritual as you can get. But here goes.

We've been dealing with a tragic situation In the family, and I have been tending to my sister who has sustained severe brain damage from an overdose due to mental health issues. In realistic terms, she is in a vegetative state and has kidney failure, so hopes of a recovery are very very slim at best.

Anyway, last night I goes off to sleep about 1ish and wake up pretty sharply after a dream about a friend who got his arm ripped off on an escalator, I'm used to dreams like this so I just rolled over lol. As I turned over, I saw what I could describe an outline of a woman's upper body area, white blouse with blue piping and a blue cravat, as soon as I saw it, it seemed familiar and looked like what my nan would wear (she passed about 6 years ago) I squeezed my eyes shut for what seemed like minutes, but felt unnerved so I switched the light on.

My mum text me and asked me why my light was on this morning so I text her and told her what I 'thought' I had seen and she said that when she went to see a medium, the medium had described an older lady, white blouse, blue piping...I know I know, sounds like a right load of old cods to me, as I never knew about the visit to the medium.

My initial thought is to write it off as blurry mist from sleepy eyes, does make you wonder though, even a sceptic like me. I'm well versed on how a stressed mind can trick you and have a huge interest in psychology and the workings of the mind, but sometimes it just makes you think!

Anyone else had similar experiences?
When my mother died, I could have swear'd I kept seeing her at night. I have insane troubles sleeping, Getting little or no sleep. But I think it's more long term shock that effects the brain in seeing what we want most (Being your gran or my mother)
I couldn't say what it could or could not be and even science does not understand stuff like this. But yea, I can relate. I used to be like that for awhile after she passed away but I soon got on with my life and I've never really had problems dreaming.
I'd just stay positive, Look at the good things at life and try to relax a lot more. If you work, I suggest a long holiday :3
I know what you mean, losing anyone in the family is hard enough, let alone your mother :(

I've been coping quite well with the current circumstance, as i have had to take control of my sisters financial affairs and have put all my energy in to solving those dilemmas, in a way, deep down I always knew something like this was coming, as this was the 14th suicide attempt, only this time, it's the worst scenario, second to death.

But my view is, when tragedy strikes we have no choice but to deal, despite the pain.

When I say I'm glad that you relate, I'm obviously not glad about the situations that have affected us both, but it's good to know that someone else can understand what I mean and not think you're some fruit loop!

I have often woken up in the past and seen these 'white mists' but I always say to myself "here you go again, there's nothing there" and almost laugh at myself and then fall back to sleep again.

I'm glad to hear you're getting on well in life nowadays, despite however long it's been, I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
It sounds like you're dealing with this very well, all things considered. I had two experiences in one house that my first husband and I lived in. One night I woke up to see the figure of a woman at the end of the bed looking at me. Glowing and dressed in a long white dress and all that. It unnerved me a bit but I didn't feel threatened so was able to go on. The next morning I was getting ready for a job interview and sitting at my dressing table. I was sitting in front of the mirror, mind you, so could see anything behind me, but I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, rather in an encouraging way. It freaked me out a bit, but didn't scare me. 
I do believe in the afterlife, but I'm just not sure how it manifests itself in our daily lives.
I'm sorry, but words are not enough for what you are going through.
My mother had a series of strokes and was in a vegitative state, as per her wishes we removed her from life support. I was not able to be at the hospital all day for a month, so when it was done I was at home cleaning up after work. I was somewhat upset my sister didn't wait for me. Anyway when it happened the phone rings, but the line was dead. A minute later my sister calls to tell me Ma had passed.

A few years before was hanging out with friends by the tracks trying to decide what to do that night when I saw a bald man in a blue jogging suit, wearing a walk-man, (shows my age). He was jogging on the other side of the road, looked at me smiled and waved. When he got to the siding he dissapeared. Well I freaked out, we all went to the other side of the road, and that's when a drunk driver came down the hill, ran off the road and wrecked where we had been standing on the other side of the road.
Both me and my mum have seen our old cat, Spike, at night for the past 11 years. He was put down at the age of 2 due to bladder and kidney stones after "falling" off at 5th story balcony. I say "Fallen" because my mum had held a house party and there were a couple of guests who weren't fond of cats and because my mum refused to put him in the cat box for about 6 hours as it would be unfair to him, a few guests got a bit snotty about it. Suddenly he's missing, my mu assumes he's just hiding because of the amount of people and leaves it. Next morning when we were going to school(I was about 5) we found him curled up in the stair well and I took the day off school because I outright refused to go after seeing the state he was in. We later found out that no-one had seen him "fall" bar one person. That person was one who hated cats and got snotty. Anyway, I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night about 6 years a go and saw him scratching at the wall behind the bathroom door. It was always his favourite place to scratch. I could sort of see his outline and a little bit of the ginger colour he used to be but he walked out before I recovered from shock. Since he went me and my mum see him nearly every night but that was the only time I was sure I'd seen him. For 5 years I thought my mind was paying tricks on me and thought nothing off it but that night I was sure. I also feel like there's someone sleeping with me at night, feels like a cat but I can't be sure. I can't verify that though because I'm usually about to pass out by the time I go to bed so that I'm not laid awake for hours on end.
So sorry for what's happening :(
Thanks for all the responses guys. It amazes me, how when you start talking about these kind of things, just how many people can relate in one way or another. Life is very sad at times, I guess it's a harsh reminder not to take things for granted, sounds like a cliche, but I'm certain that its true.

Frapadoodle - thanks for sharing, in regards to the PVS, it's horrible to see your loved one lying there and not being able to do anything in your power to help. It's possibly one of the most horrible feelings ever, its an image you don't forget. And as for the spooky phone call and man with walk-man, there doesn't appear to be logical answers and sometimes I don't think they need logical answers. I guess us humans like to try and have a reason for every single occurrence or some scientific basis for what we've seen/felt/heard, as pragmatic as I am, I feel there will always be that gap between science and spirituality. Despite being a sceptic, it would be nice to think of an afterlife, just not in the pearly gates and if you haven't behaved in life then you're not coming in, kinda way, if that makes sense.

Paradise - If someone did commit that despicable act towards your cat, then I'd certainly like to believe in the age old saying "what goes around comes around' the human race never fails to shock me. It would be nice to think that he was curled up next to you at night, things like that would bring me comfort indeed.

This old spouse - thank you, I think my coping strategy seems blunt to some, it's certainly not through lack of feeling, but rather, 'this needs to be sorted, so I'm gonna sort it' type attitude. I've allowed myself to feel angry, frustrated, guilty and to have a good old cry, but when I go to see her I just think, right she needs a wash, a hair brush and some lotion on her skin so lets make her more comfortable. Where as her mum (my sister and I have same dads but our mums are sisters, lol) will sit there for 5 minutes and just rush out and leave in tears. I get that some people deal with things differently, but I have to do my bit because you know it needs to be done.

I'm glad that your experiences were positive too, rather than scaring the crap out of you. I remain open minded to the afterlife, because I have never liked people who preach 100% certainty about everything. If there is something out there, I'd like to think they do come back and pay us a visit now and then :)
Lolly123 said:
Thanks for all the responses guys. It amazes me, how when you start talking about these kind of things, just how many people can relate in one way or another. Life is very sad at times, I guess it's a harsh reminder not to take things for granted, sounds like a cliche, but I'm certain that its true.

Frapadoodle - thanks for sharing, in regards to the PVS, it's horrible to see your loved one lying there and not being able to do anything in your power to help. It's possibly one of the most horrible feelings ever, its an image you don't forget. And as for the spooky phone call and man with walk-man, there doesn't appear to be logical answers and sometimes I don't think they need logical answers. I guess us humans like to try and have a reason for every single occurrence or some scientific basis for what we've seen/felt/heard, as pragmatic as I am, I feel there will always be that gap between science and spirituality. Despite being a sceptic, it would be nice to think of an afterlife, just not in the pearly gates and if you haven't behaved in life then you're not coming in, kinda way, if that makes sense.

Paradise - If someone did commit that despicable act towards your cat, then I'd certainly like to believe in the age old saying "what goes around comes around' the human race never fails to shock me. It would be nice to think that he was curled up next to you at night, things like that would bring me comfort indeed.

This old spouse - thank you, I think my coping strategy seems blunt to some, it's certainly not through lack of feeling, but rather, 'this needs to be sorted, so I'm gonna sort it' type attitude. I've allowed myself to feel angry, frustrated, guilty and to have a good old cry, but when I go to see her I just think, right she needs a wash, a hair brush and some lotion on her skin so lets make her more comfortable. Where as her mum (my sister and I have same dads but our mums are sisters, lol) will sit there for 5 minutes and just rush out and leave in tears. I get that some people deal with things differently, but I have to do my bit because you know it needs to be done.

I'm glad that your experiences were positive too, rather than scaring the crap out of you. I remain open minded to the afterlife, because I have never liked people who preach 100% certainty about everything. If there is something out there, I'd like to think they do come back and pay us a visit now and then
We were shocked too when we found out that the only person who saw hi "fall" was the one who got the most snotty about my mum not putting him in the cat box for the 6 hour long party.
I'm an animal lover, always have been and always will be. If someone entered into my house and told me to put my dog/cat in a box for hours, I'd less than politely boot them out the door. Some people are beyond words.

Shame we can't get hold of some human sized boxes and place those we don't like in them.
Firstly, <big friendly hug> for dealing with what you are going through at the moment.  
Secondly I think that this sort of thing is entirely possible.  Thoughts are very powerful.  You probably thought of your grandmother in a positive way and as a strong person, so that you should see her at such a stressful time is not surprising to me.  Important people will appear in our lives when we most need them, and this is generated by thoughts as far as I am concerned, whether they are conscious or subconscious.  
As an animal lover, I still feel my dog Hunney jump up on to the end of the bed from time to time.  She has been gone 20 years now.
Aww thank you :)

I'm definitely open minded about it, I sat there today on the computer and looked at the picture I have of my nan on my bedside table and I asked her out loud "I wonder if that was you nan" lol.

Like yourself, my mum has said that she has seen our old dog, and I imagine its a lovely experience to continue to feel your pets presence even years after! Sometimes, when there are no words to be said, the simple wag of a tail and a lick can make things so much better, or even just feeling them lying next to you. :)
Oh, this is spooky. Not looking forward to my close ones dying. Unfortunately I've experienced something similar. After one of my tandanus catfish died ( Lenny ) I kept seeing them swimming in front of my eyes when I was really tired. Really creeped me out.
My beagle used to love coming out with me riding around the fields on our farm.

Sadly I had to have him put to sleep at the age of seven due to kidney failure and pancreatitis.
I remember taking Lara the horse out a short while after and when I was up the top end of the field, glanced down and swear I saw Indy, and thought to myself he is going to have to do some running to catch up! - then was suddenly saddened as I remembered that wouldn't be happening this ride, or in fact any ride after that ;(

A lovely thought that he could of been having another run with me though.

Sorry to hear the circumstances you are currently in, at least our experiences have been of a comforting nature!
Wow... I am honestly sorry to hear about the circumstances you find yourself in and my heart goes out to you and all your family and friends of your sister, its a terrible thing to go through for everyone :( And i'm so so sorry she felt so bad that it was worth hurting the ones she loves to escape whatever her personal demons were :(
As for seeing things and mists and all sorts, I don't believe even remotely in ghosts and the paranormal. Just think its all part of the remarkable powers of the brain. Brain can do incredible things... both good and bad.... as your sister well knew :( But the human brain is bizarre and a long way from being fully understood! Psychology is fascinating... Hence am now doing my degree in it, though I tell you what... social science is the most boring module ever and making me want to quit lol.
However... sceptic that I am... and I know its not just me as my friend is the same... but I sometimes know when something bad is going to happen or has happened... I don't know how I know, if its happened already its likely that I unconsciously pick it up from snatches of conversation, the look on peoples faces etc but when its not something that's already happened... it freaks me out!
I don't know specifically whats going to happen... I just know that something is wrong... I start feeling more and more anxious knowing something bad will happen (mental note... don't tell your doctor this, they make you go to therapy!! ;) ) and sometimes I know who I am worrying about. Like when I was on the bus on my way to college, I had an awful feeling something was wrong and I just knew it was my friend... I called and called and couldn't get hold of her or her family, when I finally did, I found out she had collapsed and nearly died... was in hospital for ages and I just knew something was wrong with her, it wasn't expected and it wasn't like I hadn't heard from her that made me worry...
Or 9/11... I *knew* something awful had happened.. I was on way home from school and I worried myself sick and when I got in, my mum was sitting staring at the tv and sobbing... wasn't anyway I had heard about it before I got home!
Or I was at my friends house and again, she was somewhat ill and in a lot of pain and there was randomly a knock at the door and there was a guy there, cant remember what sort of healing he did, reiki I think, but he just knew... she hadn't seen or spoken to him in 5 years or so, he had moved away... but he said he had felt that she was hurting and he came and did whatever he does and made the world of difference and disappeared off again. He couldn't explain how he knew either...
Weird weird human brains eh!
Hi Lolly, sorry not seen this, really sorry to hear about what your going through and your sister, when I met you, you seemed like a very geniune nice person hence one of the reasons I don't believe in karma as its the always the nice ones that get everything life can throw at you.
These may be a little long but bare with me.
I have had a lot of experiences like this, when I was a child I used to wake regularly to see a man crouching at the bottom of my bed with his hands over his mouth. Never scared me, actually made me feel very comforted. My Dad told me years later that my Grandad, who passed while my mum was carrying me would have spent his last years with me if he was still alive as all he wanted was a grandson. I thought nothing of it till I got a picture of him when he was in the forces abroad, identical.
Another thing that people will be sceptical about is white witches, my Dad's side of the family came from Romany Gypsies so it was kind of in the family anyway. I never knew about this kind of thing or about my family coming from gypsies till about 8 years ago. After my Grandma died I got a job, started to focus on life and the usual things. Every time I had a problem or money trouble something always seemed to come up and help me out. For as long as I can remember I used to have a dream that my grandma was burying a box in a crossroads which I would always wake from jumping out of my skin thinking I could see her still doing the same thing standing next me, after switching the light on and rubbing my eyes I couldn't see a thing and thought it was a dream. One day I was talking to my Dad about the Grandad situation and how things always seem to help me out when something goes wrong and before I could mention about the dream with my Grandma my Dad said "you know why things always come up when you need help?" I said no, he told me that my Grandma being a white witch buried a box with a spell for me at the crossroads in Shorne years ago so the son of her son would be looked after. Weird aye!!!
After learning about these I never got into it being a typical guy but still I believe in something, I'm not religious but it all makes me wonder ya know.

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