waiting for the arrivals

Sorry for the fish you lost, couple things though...

How did you prepare your water? What types of containers were those males in? Whats the female set-up look like? If I were you I would get those girls in their own tanks with treated water. Not every female community works, infact most don't, especially with females that have been jarred. Those fish are too high quality, even nipped fins are unacceptable in my book -_-
the females are in a 30gallon. with a really big rock with a buncha holse in it right in the middle. there are 2peices of about 7in driftwood look-alike ricsk on the right and 1 on the left. i have 3 live plnts and 5 fake plants in there too. some how they all manage to find each other.... the reamining plakat is still in her bowl. the rest of the femlaes are pretty passive. do u think i should separate them too?

the males water
i took the males water straight out of 30gallon tank i used for females. the tempereature was about 75-79 degrees F. the delta MG males has become quite active tho.
could it have been something as simple as no dechlorinator?
or leftover bleach from a sterilization?
Something common had to be in that tank to kill that many fish, especially ones from wuv, that fast...
not all of them died, one of them is still alive and quite active now. i think maybe it was just stress. right after i released them they were swimming like mad...then stopped and fell to the bottom(thestill alive). so i turned off ll the lights and left and when i returned 4 of them died. i dont really kno y the plakat female died...
One...out of ten...is still alive? -_-

It was obviously some sort of shock death. It has been haunting my thoughts since last night and I just can't figure it out.
Awwww I am so terribly sorry for your loss Infant! :-(
Wuv I know this has to be so hard for you as well. :-(
FishyLoveBug said:
How many have you adopted out the last few week Wuv?
hmm,over the past month,probably over 70.

You did dechlorinate, right?
That was my first thought when I read that they died so quickly and suddenly. Someone else suggested that as well.
the tank was dechlorinated bcuz i took the water straight out of my 30gallon which has ben set up for amost a year now.

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