waiting for the arrivals


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
well hopefully on friday i will get the bettas i have been *very patiently* waiting for from wuv. im getting
3 red plakats,
3 Delta Mgs
4 CT MGs

i have everything set up for them lol maybe its because i have been waiting fot about a month and had a lot of time to think about what i need for them :lol: well i'll try to take pics when they get here.
hope they get here on time :unsure:
hey the bettas came today !!!! just finished relesing them into their new homes. i have 6 females in a 30gallon and 4 males in a ten gallon (divided) the females seem to be doing better than the males though. the males just sit on the bottom... well when i released teh females 4 of them met up with each other and started to flare immediately. lol bu after a couple min they werre tired and swam off. i'll take pics asap!
ahhh! the plakats females were fighting :crazy: i seperated them immediatly and put in a 1 gallon bowl with water from the tank. peace is restored lol
I got 12 females from wuv. Plakats and Crowntails. :thumbs: None of them fight at all. There is the occassional flare and short chase, but there are plenty of spaces to hide. :thumbs:
Same thing in my tank.
When I put my 5 gals together, there were some scuffles but they all get along now.
Well, except for Liza who had to be taken out because she was small, slow and wasn't eating, and therefore getting picked on because she couldn't swim out of the way of the bigger gals.

The rest are doing beautifully.

ahhh! :crazy: i came down to check on them and i found both my CTmales and my plakat male and a plakat female dead :-( :sad: im left with 1delta mg male 2 delta mg females and 2 Ct mg females and 1 plakas female. worse the delta females have nips so there must have been some agression.

i forgot my sister took her camera with her. so u guys are gonna have to wait for pics of teh bettas that are still alive. :byebye:
Four fish are dead? :-( :no:

How slowly did you acclimate them?
Man, I was just (not even five minutes ago!) in the kitchen washing my hands and I thought how awesome it was that so far I've shipped a couple hundred fish with 100% alive and healthy arrivals. Did I jinx us? :-(

Sorry for your loss and all that,but to be honest I'm more sorry for mine :sad:
What are the others doing?

This concludes project adopt a betta. No one goes anywhere anymore, unless it's a show.
acclimation went pretty smooth, opened th box in a dark room adjusted them to light slowly, let them float around in the bags for awhile(aprox. 30min) slowly added tank water to the bag over a period of 1-2 hours, when the bag was full i used a brine shrimp net to put them in there new home.

the other are fine, females are swimming around, flaring at each other every now and then, the last male left is pretty active, he has vertical bars through, i dunno why. but everyone seems happy. :thumbs:

sorry if i ruined your streak Wuv :sad:

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