Waited A Year And Finally They Spawned


Fish Herder
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
UK, Manchester, M34
Well I bought these discus early last year at 2.5 / 3 inchers and they have finally got together a couple of weeks ago and I now have babies

Malboro (German stock) / Santarem (wild brown) brood


Ogon (Singapore stock) / Santarem (wild brown) brood - this is their second laying only managed to save 5 of the wrigglers (they are sitting with the Malboro fry) before they got eaten by the rest of the tank mates


Both lots of parents are in breeding tanks now so no stress, just checked the ogon/santarem lot and all eggs have hatched with the exception of around 8 white eggs. So not bad, hopefully more of these fry will survive.

Enjoy :good:
LOL if it was a traffic cone, they would be massive discus in that case :hyper:

Currently feeding the fry on a mixture of stuff to supplement their feeding off the parents, got newly hatched brineshrimp, grindal worms and then there is a mixture of spinach/prawns/whitefish/spirulina that I give the parents every other day which breaks down into small particles which the fry seem to love as well.

But they do seem to accept all the above food going into the tank so hopefully by the time I move them to their own tank they will be weened off the parents nicely.

The Ogon fry seem to have all hatched and are wriggling around nicely, will take shots tomorrow of them but dad is very shy - hence the plant in the tank cause he likes to hide, nothing wrong with him at meal times though!!!
Well the Malboro/Santarem seem to have at least 20 fry plus the 5 they are fostering from the Ogon/Santarem pairing and now that the others have hatched I'm not sure how many in total they have cause they are all clustered so tightly on the cone (as soon as they start swimming off the cone I will have a better chance to see how many there are)


Fry from the first pairing are growing really fast
Congratulations! I remember when my discus first spawned. Incredible feeling, huh? Good luck with the babies. Always loved when they feed on their parents slime coat.

Well thought I'd update this thread ----

Ogon pair are just rubbish parents, first spawning the eggs were eaten, this last one got as far as the fry hatching but then they seemed to scatter all over the tank and then vanished :-(

The original Malboro pair did well, not many fry but I've at least 15+ in a grow out tank now and they are eating well and growing, parents have today just laid another row of eggs so we shall see if there are any more in this next spawn.

Pics of the babies are attached (currently in a bare bottomed tank with some pygmy cories).

Enjoy -
Give the parents time, almost all first spawns never work out. Personally, I would cull the first spawn anyways. They should get the hang out it eventually but it may take 5+ spawns before they perfect it

Those fish also look quite young, which may have something to do with it...

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