VOTE NOW....October 2019 Fish of the Month contest (catfish only)

Vote for your favorite for FOTM

  • Howard_Hopkinson

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Aussie_Bristle

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Alexandriel

    Votes: 14 21.5%
  • Kritastrophe

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • Naughts

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Lilyann

    Votes: 18 27.7%
  • Jan Cavalieri

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • Deanasue

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • finfayce

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Kenneth Johnson

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA


We have 10 interesting and varied Catfish entered into the October 2019 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page and click on your choice for FOTM.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. Preferably no posts should be made in this voting topic.

The winner gets a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "winner" thread for all to see and to comment.

Poll will close on October 27th at 9:37 pm

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at thank you for your participation.​
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Here is a photo of one of my Corydoras Amandajanea catfish. I have 4 of them in total.


I don't know the age of the cory's as I got them from AquaHome in Leyland, Lancashire. They were priced at just over £23 each or 3 for £60. However, there were only 4 left in the tank so they sold me all 4 for £60.

They will eat just about anything ranging from flake foods to freeze dried bloodworm, daphnia, tubifex and Bugbites. I do feed them King British catfish pellets and they seem to be doing really well.

They are joined on the bottom of the tank by 3 semi mature Yoyo loaches and don't have a problem with them.

Other tank mates include 2 Angelfish, Cardinal tetras, Platys, Zebra Danios, Pearl Gouramis, Honey Gouramis and Dwarf Gouramis. The tank also contains 6 Zebra Nerite snails.

My tank is a Fluval Roma 240 litre with a Fluval 307 external filter, a Fluval 300watt heater and Fluval Aquasky 2.0 led lighting.

The tank is planted with Java moss, Amazon Swords, Vallisneria(jungle) and Ambulia(asian marshweed) and a few small foreground plants I don't know the names of.

The temperature is 25.1C and water parameters are as follows: PH7.0 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates are around 5 to 10.
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This is Pip, one of our Pepper Cories. He/she shares the tank with spot the other Pepper Cory, Albie and Casper the 2 albino Cories and Bronze and Cutie our bronze Cories. We also have in the tank Ally & Jack an albino and a peppermint bristle, Henry and Henrietta the Chinese algae eaters, we have swordtails, goldfish and a couple gudgeons. Oh and pinchy our little feeder cray.

This is my L401 Royal King Alenquer Pleco, Erik. He's named after the phantom in Phantom of the Opera, because we rarely see him! He is still a baby, less than an inch long, and is very shy. He loves his rock cave though, and when he decides to make an appearance, he is usually sleeping on the rocks. He shares a 30 gallon tank with a juvenile pearl gourami, a school of black phantom tetras, a school of Cochu's blues, and several shoals of mixed cories, including smudge spots, true juliis, and ellis. He is offered various types of Omega One sinking pellets nightly, and once a week he gets shrimp pellets, which are his favorites. He also loves zucchini, but is picky and won't ever touch his peas!
This is Plucky my two year old black Bristlenose Pleco. He’s approximately five to six inches long now. He may not be the most particularly interesting species of pleco to look at - in comparison to species such as the gorgeous Zebra Pleco, but he is my favorite fish (shh, don’t tell the others). Plucky has travelled cross country with me and has been the most unique traveling companion I have had to date. He is not shy like other pleco’s I have had in the past. He comes out for food and in the afternoon he is very active. Plucky is also my most destructive fish I own. He constantly uproots plants and moves sand around as he tries to dig tunnels, which has earned him the nickname “Captain Hilt” in reference to the movie ‘The Great Escape.’ I have never had the fortune of owning such an entertaining Pleco as Plucky (in comparison to my past Pleco’s). I hope he has a long healthy life because I feel there is no way I can ever replace Plucky.

76 F
4 dGH
7.6 PH

6 days a week - 1 Omega One Veggie Rounds
Once every two weeks - Blanched Zuchini slice, pea, brocolli, celery, or cantaloupe (holiday treat, not that he knows the occasion)

12 Tiger Barbs
8 Bronze Corydora

This is Dobie a panda Cory. We have had him for six months. He shares a tank with 5 other pandas and a male betta, Levi. He follows Levi around and thinks he is a betta, wrestling for the wafer mix tablets or sneaking on Levi’s favourite leaf. He is the smallest panda but is brave to the point of stupidity and we love him for that!
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My Blue Phantom Pleco. L128
3 years old
Apx 7.75 inches.
Loves anytyhing with "worms" in it. Bloodworms and Freezedried blackworms being a favorite. Also gets, a few times a week, spirulina discs from NLS. But, isnt picky- eats everything the other fish do: New Life spectrum Flake food and cichlid pellets.
I title this - " A Fish only a Mother Could Love". This is one of my three Thomasi Plecostomas - looking for some algae to eat. She is about 2 1/2 inches long but will get to about 6 inches in length. Personally I think they resemble the Merpeople from Harry Potter! They are considered to be easy to raise, peaceful by nature and will eat just about anything - and with a curvy body like this - who could ask for anything more! (the flip side resembles a tan colored tank, not nearly as sexy but definitely very cool looking.) I believe it is a female because I can see what appears to be ovaries under her thin skin. These are very reasonably priced at about $12 if you want to scare your friends this Halloween.

Tank 4 - A fish only a mother could love.JPG

This is my pleco named “Lolly”. He very rarely comes out during the day but this one evening he decided to swim right up to the camera and let me take a face shot of him. Lolly lives in a 55G tank with 3 goldfish. He eats everything they do but especially likes pleco wafers, cucumbers, and zucchini. He is fed every night as I turn out the lights. Lolly is about 3 years old and 4” long. Thanks for looking!
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Slowly scroll up as you review all 10 entries and then cast your vote for FOTM in the poll at the top of this topic. Good luck to all entrants.

Entry period for our Tank of the Month contest will begin on November 1st.

Pet of the Month resumes mid Novermber.

Our next FOTM contest in mid December will feature Angelfish if there is enough interest.
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We presently have a 3 way tie for first place. If you havent voted yet,, please vote now!
Poll closes in about 5 hours. If you haven’t yet voted, please vote now.

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