thats odd, the first thing it does, after starting the scan, is ask you if you want to download and buy the software. so you can have "active protection", why not download a "good" anti virus, like AVG instead? it also flagged a number of viruses, i know i don't have, and missed all the, backdoors worms and crackes, i know i do have. poor perfomance, for me, at best.
ahhh sorry wot i ment 2 say was u dont need 2 buy 2 actually let it remove viruses, yes u can buy the complete software but i personally wiouldnt when as you say AVG is perfectly ok for day to day running , thats what i run and it works perfect
lol. i know. but many of these sites are real problems to those of less experience. and it did identify, none existent, problems on a "clean" computer. thing about good spy/trojans, is to make them invisible to the computer user. scanning with "anti virus" that, may have, put it there in the first place, will offer no protection.
AVG is updated, virtually, by the minute. honestly i would rather beliave AVG than this scanner. and would advise you/anyone to do the same!