Views On Angel Fish


New Member
Nov 26, 2006
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Lincolnshire, UK
Hi, here's my stock in a 180 litre tank

Neon blue & Red tailed guppies
Bronze & Peppers Cories
Siamese fighter
2 Gourami
2 Silver shark
Cherry barbs
Silver Danios
Clown loaches
Loads of snails

The mollies are breeding like there's no tomorrow and I'm thinking of getting an angel fish. What do you think it'll think to the others - are they safe? Or can you suggest any other fish that would be great for small fry?!
Angelfish will gobble down fry as soon as they pop out of a molly. If you really want an angelfish, I'd get a small one. As small as you can find. If you bought a big one, he'd probably kill or eat most of your fish. They are aggresive little buggers. If you raise the angelfish from being little so it's used to small fish, it shouldn't bother them. It all depends on how they are raised. I had an angelfish with little tetras and it was fine because I got it when it was about 1.5 inches tall. I made the mistake of sticking a full-grown or partially grown angelfish and he killed them. Get 'em young to be safe. :) You seem to have enough room for one, maybe even 2.
This, the fish grows up with it so likes them, sort of thing, works sometimes but I'm doubting it was because they grew up together, it's just the fishes personality. There's not a lot of proof to back this up that I've seen either.

I would not recommend angelfish for your tank, you already have large growing fish, that will out grow your tank, you have a betta the angelfish can and will likely attack in my experience. Also there is no more room in there, the bala's can reach 14" and the clown loaches 12" (though slowly), the fish you have will normally eat fry.

I suggest cutting your feeding back, making the fish more interested in eating fry and getting rid of the snails (if you don't want them).
Hi, here's my stock in a 180 litre tank

Neon blue & Red tailed guppies
Bronze & Peppers Cories
Siamese fighter
2 Gourami
2 Silver shark
Cherry barbs
Silver Danios
Clown loaches
Loads of snails

The mollies are breeding like there's no tomorrow and I'm thinking of getting an angel fish. What do you think it'll think to the others - are they safe? Or can you suggest any other fish that would be great for small fry?!

Won't the barbs and angel fish fin nip the siamese fighting fish?
Cherry barbs, probably wouldn't, angels would, especially fancy fin males.
i deffo wouldnt add one with a fighter. cherry barbs should be ok.they fairly peaceful. its rare that clowns do actaully reach 12" though, plus its not an immediate issue, doesn it take like 20years or more?
They only don't reach full size due to dying early or being cramped. I had some clown loaches that were 8" and also 8 years old roughly.

The bala's will grow to 14" in a correct size tank, they also enjoy being part of a shoal.
i owned a couple of small angel fish and found that they were very aggresive fish.
:unsure: :unsure:
Thanks everyone for your input. What other fish would be good fry eaters then with the set up I've got? Do you think I should be adding more fish anyway? All my shoals are in 10s
I'm surprised your guppies and mollies don't eat the fry. Your gouramis don't, either? I had this dwarf gourami that would try to eat my fry that were in a clear breeder's box.
They do but I have so many mollies breeding even they can't keep up. Perhaps I should just invest in some more. Or perhaps I ought to take out the mollies :D
Wow, you have problems killing fry and I have problems keeping them alive...

I'd probably get more guppies, and/or take out the male mollies. It will take a while, but the females will eventually having so many and eventually close to none at all. I wouldn't take the females out, because I've had problems with fighting males. They're pretty nippy at one another.
I only started with 5 mollies, 2 of which turned out to be females, but they died during a catostrophic pump failure while I was on holiday!! I think the babies are now interbreeding, which doesn't help! I keep giving the damn fry away, but it's getting to a point I don't know where to take them next!!! If only I could be so lucky at breeding other fish without trying!
does your Siamese fighter attack the guppies? I thought they did because of their large fins -_-
I only started with 5 mollies, 2 of which turned out to be females, but they died during a catostrophic pump failure while I was on holiday!! I think the babies are now interbreeding, which doesn't help! I keep giving the damn fry away, but it's getting to a point I don't know where to take them next!!! If only I could be so lucky at breeding other fish without trying!

if you are anywhere near me I could have some fry off you in the next couple of weeks :D

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