Views On Angel Fish

Get a Black Ghost Knife, you'll have the fry then when you go to sleep and wake up, your problem will be solved.
sic, the only problem is Black Ghost Knifefish can get 20 inches long! I think a 180L is a bit too small for one. :(
i love the angels, i had 2 in 2gether they both turnd out 2 b male and were bothe constantly fighting so i had 2 find one a new home pretty fast, as i have heard 2 male angels will fight 2 the death, thats just wat iv heard better safe then sorry. i have a fighter fish in with my angel n they are fine 2gether, i also have 2 dwarf goarmis in the same tank, n aperantly thats like putting 2 male fighters in 2gether, but i have no probelms.

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