Vieled Chameleon!

You will need a dimmer stat and a fitting for the spot bulb for the heating then you will need a starter like the ones you get for fish tank lights for the UV tube

I have just bought all new lighting equipment to set another Vivarium up.I bought a dimmer,spot bulb and fitting,starter unit and UV tube and it cost me £87.95 i still need to buy the vivarium,vines dripper and plants probably going to cost me another £150 :S
LOL, I will have a look in my LFS this sat (they have a reptile part) for the lights and lightbulb fittings.
how long will the live food last if i put food in with them? What shoud i "gut load" the pray food with? Sorry i knew it was gut something but not sure what.
Thanks again grahamsokel you have been such a big help!!!!:)
I gutload my crickets and locusts with fresh veg and fish flakes.I only put a few LF in the vivarium at a time and they normally eat them within 10 mins

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