I have heard of it with Maroon and a Perc, but they normally fight. I looked into this as I wanted to mix clowns and came into mix breeding articles. I don't think you'll have much luck but Im sure Seffie, Nemo etc will give you a more accurate reply!
Those two in particular I am unsure, but there are hybrids around... it is just very very rare mainly for the reasons stated; two of a different species do not get along.
Actually read last night about a clown hybrid (although it didn't state the species bred) that is now 13 years old and doing great...
cheers for the replies. there getting along fine there both only small about an inch long and was just wonderiong because occasionally the common clown does a little shakey dance next to the tomatoe. i thought clowns do this as a mating ritual lol. is there any other reason they do this for.
Clowns shake to show submissiveness. Unfortunately, I wouldn't keep your heart set on keeping both. While they may appear to get along now, as they mature they may turn on each other.
yes there together. they seem to be perfectly fine i also have a yellow tail blue damsel fish in there with them there quite vibrant together to be honest lol. ok thanks ill see how it goes but honestly there getting along without any trouble.