Very Sick Betta

Xavier is feeling better! He ate two pellets tonight. I will do a water change tonight. Swim bladder issue is all gone, just need to fix those fins. He is better able to maneuver and it's easier for him to get to the surface. He's definitely a happier fish. When he is all better I'd like to get him a larger (3-5 gallon) tank. Any suggestions? Most of the ones at the box pet store have built in filters. I live near Dallas/Ft Worth Texas, and I'm going to see if I can find a good fish store in the area.
Good news! Xavier ate two small meals this afternoon and late evening. His pectoral fins look a little improved and he is swimming better. After looking at photos elsewhere in this forum (sick and ill bettas), I agree with loraxchick - looks like clamped fins.

Got the API Freshwater Master Tester kit and got some interesting results: pH 8.3, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, and Ammonia 1.0. This was done after the water was conditioned with the chlorine remover and 1/4 tsp of aquarium salt added (seems to be helping). He's still in the 1 gallon tank with only about 1/3 gallon so he can reach the surface easily. I did a 98% water change tonight. Have slowly raised the temp - it's now at 77F. I think if all goes well, tomorrow night I might increase the amount of water in the tank. Does that sound right?

At what rate should the temp be raised? I was thinking about a degree per day?

I'm also guessing I need to reduce the pH and ammonia. Not sure of the desired levels, but I'll try to find it on this forum somewhere.
thats good news that he is showing improvement and interest in food.
as far as your test results, keep up with those water changes! the 1.0 ammonia level is most likely causing the fin clamping. good move to add a bit of salt (just remember in doing water changes only to redose the tank what water volume you took out, not a whole new full-dose, unless of course it was a 100% waterchange.) do not worry about your high Ph. using chemicals is more stress to the fish than letting them adjust to the current pH (he most likely is already used to it). bogwood or peat moss can lower pH-something to think about if you get a bigger tank and are honestly worried about the pH, but i owuld not be concerned...for now, focus on keeping his water free as possible of ammonia.
1degree a day is perfect. also if he is not having swimbladder issues any longer fill the tank! more water dilutes the ammonia more.
do you have an airpump? i can send you directions on how to make a very easy and small filter to put in the tank (sponge filter). but realistically would be better in a lger tank as 1gal is small and finding the correct-shaped container to build the filter may not be easy. you dont want to take up too much room with the limited space he has ATM.
but things look good for him. just keep up on those water changes and fill the tank now that he is swimming ok. once the ammonia levels are under control and you have a good idea about waterchange regime to keep these levels low, his fins should begin unclamping. and with the warmer water, he should begin to be more active.
all the best :)
Thank you all soooooooo much! Xavier continues to improve. His pec fins have completely unclamped and I think the others are improving. I will fill up his tank today, which will be adding about 2/3 more water. I've noticed there are several products to lower ammonia, which is best?

I do want to get him a bigger tank, about 5 gallons. Which systems are best? They all seem to come with filters and I know bettas don't like a current. Is it better to get a complete set up or go a la cart?

And I' thinking about getting another male - from a breeder this time. :rolleyes: But I want to stick with a USA based person. Not ready to venture into int'l purchases.
Thank you all soooooooo much! Xavier continues to improve. His pec fins have completely unclamped and I think the others are improving. I will fill up his tank today, which will be adding about 2/3 more water. I've noticed there are several products to lower ammonia, which is best?

I do want to get him a bigger tank, about 5 gallons. Which systems are best? They all seem to come with filters and I know bettas don't like a current. Is it better to get a complete set up or go a la cart?

And I' thinking about getting another male - from a breeder this time. :rolleyes: But I want to stick with a USA based person. Not ready to venture into int'l purchases.

I would suggest looking after the one you have got just now properly before you buy another fish.

Any tank will do aslong as its over 3G and water-tight. the flow from a filter can be calmed down using a nylon stock over the outflow of the filter.

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