Very Sick Betta

Hi again, I want to thank you all so much for all of your help.

I changed the water and then tested it and it is still at .50 ammonia. I tested the water I have in all my gallons and they all test at .50 ammonia. Then I tried to test the tap water here and for some reason that comes up to ammonia reading of .50. What do I do now? H will still be in a tank of ammonia. I don't understand it.

I also tested the ph before i put him back into the fresh water and it was 7.6 and so i added the ph balance of 7.0. I also heated the water to try to get it to the same temp he was he before I took him out.

But now, what do I do to try to get that ammonia level back down to 0??
I am testing the ammonia level yet again from the tap water and it still is reading at is that even possible? What can I do now??? This poor fish is dying of ammonia poisoning and I cant get it out of his water supply. HELP!!!!!!
I'm so new at this I probably shouldn't be posting, but I have seen jugs of "Betta water" in our Petco. Maybe the other chains have them and I don't know where you are, kelnme. Would that help until you get the tank cycled? Or even bottled spring water. At least they would be ammonia-free. Just a suggestion.
Does anyone think that I can use even our bottled drinking water for now just to get the ammonia out of his tank???

Hi Pennymom, I was just thining the same thing as you were in using the bottled drinking water. I am going to get one from my closet right now. thank you.
Yes, it's possible your city tap water has ammonia in it. It's not damaging to humans but it is to fish (being much, much smaller than us.) I would suggest using some bottled water but still using conditioner in it. Also - don't use boiled water (distilled)... I can't remember the specifics - but it's basically unusable water for fish. Also... please check out the link I sent you - they can help! And they're on line now! Good luck!!
I am running around the house back and forth with tears running down my face trying to save this poor little fish. I found fresh bottled spring water in my closet and tested it and it is free of ammonia. Does anyone know what I should do now? Should I take him out again and put him in a cup so that I can completely change his hospital tank? Or should I only take some of the water out and replace it with the bottled spring water?
I would put him in a cup (that has never seen soap) if you can... and completely change his water. Even a bit of the old water will contaminate his new water. Try to keep any of the old water out of his tank with the "good" water in it... as best you can.

Don't forget to treat it with conditioner as well.

I'm so sorry about your being so upset! Try to take a breath and calm... I know it's hard... we've all been there... We're here right along with you...
I did a full change of water earlier with the tap water i had put in a bottle with conditioners about 5 days ago. And after putting him in a cup and cleaning the hospital tank and changing the water and putting him back, the water had still come up with ammonia. I didn't hear from anyone at the time, and I was afraid to do a full change again, so I did a 75% change of the water using the bottled spring water this time adding Prime to it and some dissolved salt. The water tested high with PH so, I put a 7.0 Ph balance in it. I tested the water again and it looks like it is 0 now, or may have the slightest tint of green if that. It is hard to tell now because our lighting at this time isn't the brightest. But I feel safe at the moment that the water is safe right now. Our betta is still very still and not doing much right now. I will see how he is doing tomorrow. I did try to feed him, and wiggle the food around in the tank, but again, he doesn't even acknowledge it is there.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me get this far. I hope he pulls through this ordeal, the poor little thing!!
Well I checked Sparky again now and he is dying. I feel just awful! He is beginning to float on his side at the top of the water and I know that the end is near. I posted a message on Ezboard and sent an email to Dr. Barb, I haven't heard from them yet, but it is too late. I can hardly bear to go over to his tank again to look at him. He was such a pleasure to have in the short time we had him. And I will never forget how loving a Betta fish can be and how he would happily swim over to me when I would pass his fish tank, play with him, and feed him. I have a little hole in my heart now for this wonderful little creature. He will be sorely missed. I had no idea how attached one could become to a little fish. I think about all the nights I got up to keep checking his water temps with the heater in his hospital tank to make sure it wasn't too hot or too cold for him. We won't have our Sparky anymore, but at least we will still have our memories and pictures of him.

I don't think we're going to get another fish any time soon.

Thank you again, all for your help. Thank you Phaedra for being the first to come to my rescue with support and assistance. A very special Thank You to Maxsmom, who gave me as much help as she possibly could along with her comforting support. I can't thank you enough.

Broken Hearted Betta Lover.
sorry you are so upset....Bettas take quite a while to die, and I cant euthanize them. I put their little tanks somewhere quiet and cover with a tea towel as I think me keep looking at them doesnt do either of us any good.

You have DEFINITELY done all you can..... :good: :good:
Im really sorry. Thats a hard thing to go through. But if he is still breathing then there is always a chance he could pull through. You did way more than so many people would have done. Im sure the little guy had a great time with you. Good luck and once again sorry for all that you have had to go through these past few days.

I know it's tough. I just went through it -- we all have at one time or another. I'm so sorry. Welcome aboard, hang around and gather tons and tons of knowledge about this addictive fish world.

Thank you everyone for your responses.

Sparky died this morning. He definitely will be missed. We all loved him dearly!

Thank you again for all the support.

Broken Hearted Betta Lover
:( sorry about did all you could and more.....hugs for you and yours xx

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