I absolutely agree that obedience training should be mandatory for all dogs. I should have made that clear. I think that a dog that understands what his/her master wants from them is a happy dog. I believe that all dogs want to do is to please us. If PEOPLE (not the dogs) are taught how to properly train and control their dogs, the world would be a better place. Pits were not bred to fight, their agression was picked and the aggression was bred. They were not meant to be fought against humans, however the aggression is there and it is very real. A dog does not distinguish between different species as far as I am concerned. We as people project our emotions, beliefs and thoughts on our animals. A dog will protect a member of its "pack". It doesn't realize we are not dogs too. Therefore, when a dog attacks, it doesn't look and say, oops, shouldn't do that, it is a human. It feels threatened and reacts the way it's insticts tell it to.
Case in point. This story is not about a pit bull, but does show the thought patterns of dogs. I was 6 months old and just starting to crawl. We had a big dog, a total mutt breed, I couldn't tell you what kind. This dog let me do anything to her. I could climb on her back, pull her fur, you name it, I did it.
One day, while my mom was dog sitting her mother's small dog, I decided to crawl behind my dog while she was eating. She did not stop to look at who was behind her. All she sensed was something small(could have been my grandma's dog) walking behind her. She turned around and bit me across the head. She missed my temples by 1 1/2". She could have killed me. We had to give her away after that, but she did feel terrible about biting me. She was curled around me on the floor as I was screaming in pain. That got me 4 stitches, 2 on each side.
My point is, if a dog feels threatened in any way shape or form, it will attack, often without thinking. So for me, the argument that pits were bred to fight other pits holds little merit. If a pit feels threatened in any way it will attack. If it feels a member of it's pack is in danger it will attack. It doesn't matter what species the pit is feeling threatened by. No amount of arguing will change my mind, as I feel this way about all breeds of dogs. Some of their bites hurt worse than others, that's all. Also, you rarely, if ever, hear of pits attacking their owners. They attack other people. They don't obey all people, only the ones who trained them. They may not attack your child, but what about the neighbours child?