thats an awesome link!!

I also saw that several months ago, and its sooo nice to see some truth finally opening peoples eyes.

Opcn, you've obviously never met a well-socialized American Pit Bull Terrier. They're some of the all-around sweetest, loyalist, kindest natured, most non-snappy breeds. People who breed purebred, registered, working APBT's breed for a wonderfully sweet, reliable, and tolerant temperament towards people above ALL. It is NOT the dogs that are the problem, its people. People kill each other 10000% more than dogs kill people. The ratio of # of dogs to # of bites per year is not even close. That said, millions of people abuse, neglect, beat, starve, and train their dogs to BE vicious!! If YOU were kept in a small yard or cage your entire life and forced to attack other people in order to eat and live, wouldn't YOU do it?? Dogs are not born evil or bad, they're raised that way. Just like when dogs are raised in a good environment, they grow up to be wonderful dogs. The solution to these problems is NOT to ban breeds or discriminate against them... we need to educate kids as they are the future dog owners, educate people, enforce strict cruelty/dog fighting laws, enforce licensing laws, restrict dog breeding and offer MORE pulic awareness and oportunities to learn how to train and raise dogs. Animal abuse is a misdemeanor... the most severe fine is $1000 for brutally murdering/torturing a dog. The number of bites dogs inflict on people per year cannot even begin to hold a candle to the unforgivable cruelties that millions of sick people put dogs through all the time! And the number of bites cannot even compare to the wonderful companionship, love, and aid millions of dogs bring to their families, law enforcement, disabled people, etc.
Wanting to ban/euthanize ALL dogs that can POTENTIALLY harm a person is disgustingly destructive and cruel. I do think you need to better educate yourself about dogs and animals in general. And, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to listen to any of the opinions some one has on APBT's who can't even spell their name right and knows nothing about them except what some of the media spews out!! Don't you remember, 10 years ago the "vicious" breed that was always in the news attacking children was Doberman Pinschers? And before that, German Shepherds? This is a TREND, NOT started by the dogs themselves, but by sick PEOPLE who think raising and breeding vicious dogs makes them cool and is a status symbol. Have you ever noticed that 90% of dogs sitting in shelters are Pit Bulls? That is NOT because they bite people (shelters REFUSE to adopt out dogs that bite), NOT because of anything they've done... it's because it is currently trendy and common, especially in inner-cities, to breed Pitties. These millions of Pit Bulls in shelters do not come from seasoned reputable breeders who temperment and health test the registered parents, show the dogs, and raise the puppies in a good environment. They come from amateur, neglectful, backyard breeders. If it weren't for these irrensponsible PEOPLE ruining the breed, Pit Bulls would be (as they were years ago) a healthy and well-rounded breed of dog.