Very Frustrating Tank Problem!


New Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Maryland, US
hello, I am having a lot of trouble. I have a 10 gallon tank which currently contains a sunset platy, male guppy, female betta fish, and a black mystery snail. For about 3 weeks now, i lost about 3 fish to some unknown causes. generally the fish would slow down, stop eating start pooping clear and regular poop, and eventually die. currently my sunset platy and my guppy are scaling up and down the side of the tank non-stop, the suset platy has visable red gills, the guppy doesnt seem to have red gill but goes up and down the side of the tank non stop. there are no other visible signs on the fish that would indicate some thing specific.

I suspected a parasite issue but treated for that multiple time and nothing is working. I completely clean out the tank washed it out with hot water just in case anything was in there. then set the tank back up and let sit for 3 days before i put the fish back in. and still they are doing the same thing.

All my water level are normal:

GH - 60ppm
KH - 120ppm
ph - 7.4
no2 - 0
no3 - 20ppm
ammonia - 0

please any advice would be great its really driving me crazy, thanks
Sounds like flukes which you can get internally as well.
Any flicking and rubbing.
Gone thin.
Swimming oddly like in a jerky movement.
Any of the fish pecking at the gills of the fish with the red gills.
Heavy breathing.

What med have you tryed.
there is very minimal flicking, i have seen the sunset platy flick only once and guppy does not flick,
all fish eat very well and do not appear thin,
none of the fish are peck at the gills,
and do not appear to be breathing heavy.
no jerky movement

i have tried parasite clear from jungle labs
Clear stingy poo is usually a sign of internal parasites to bacterial infection.
Check the anus of the fish to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.
Seen any red worms prutruding from the anus.
non of the fish anus are in flamed or anything red protuding,

although i forgot to mention my guppy has a red tail which has black spots on it and the outer edge of it is almost clear. now i had an ammonia problem a looooong time ago, which i what i think was the cause. can this be related with anyting?
Black spots or patches.
Ammonia burns that are healing are black in colour.
Do you have any snails in the tank.
they are black patches spread out toward the end of the tail.

yes i have 1 snail, i got recently. but remember this problem was way before i got he snail.
If there black patches ammonia burns that are healing.
If the tank wasn't cycled for a while it can cause stress and desease in fish, and death.
I would just see how things go for now.

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