
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2014
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Hi all - I am trying to get a good picture, but my camera phone can't capture enough detail. I'm going to dig out the "good" camera if I can find it. But I thought I'd post here in the meantime. A couple of my rummynose tetras have kind of yellowish/greenish/greyish splotches on the tops of their heads. I don't see it anywhere else on their bodies, and I don't see anything on any of the other fish. There is no flashing, loss of appetite, loss of color, lethargy, etc. I looked up pictures of velvet on google, and I can't really tell. It's not a dusting like powder or dots as in most of the pictures, but it the patches do appear to have iridescence. However, it's really hard to tell between that and normal iridescence. I also know it's really impossible to tell anything for sure without pictures, so I'm going to work on that!
If it IS velvet, obviously I'll have to treat the whole tank. Can anyone suggest the best treatment option for my combination of fish? I know catfish can be sensitive to things other fish are not sensitive to, and I have a bunch of snails, so I can't do copper. I also have a lot of live plants.
The questions:
1. Water parameters. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5-10 nitrate, medium hardness, pH 7.4, 77 degrees
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms. Gray/green/pale discoloration patches on 2 rummynose tetra heads just above eyes - irregular size and shape, not circles or speckles
3. How often you do water changes and how much. One 50-70% change per week
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water. Aquavitro Premier, Seachem Excel, Seachem Iron, PPS-Pro fert combo
5. What tank mates are in the tank. 11 neon tetras, 10 rummynose tetras, 10 harlequin rasboras, 6 cory paleatus, 3 honey gouramis, 3 peacock gudgeons, variety of ramshorn, nerite, and pond snails. A lot of live plants.
6. Tank size. 54 gallons
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish? Added the peacock gudgeons 2 1/2 weeks ago - they were quarantined for 3 weeks
Does not sound like velvet to me. Especially if you are not seeing signs of flashing, flicking and rubbing, darting.
Just keep a close eye on them for now.
A pic might help.
The more I stare at them, the more I don't think it's velvet either. It was just the first thing my mind went to when I saw the goldish color on it. They are behaving 100% normally as well. I just can't get a good pic. I tried to net one of them, but it was an exercise in futility.
This is the only photo I could get that even remotely showed the discolored patch, but it's really a bad picture. I'm going to try to get more. If you look just above his red mask, it's that pale blob above it. Dratted crappy camera!
It's hard to tell in the pic but I kept the same fish and if my memory serves me correct I think mine had the same.
Check it tropical discussion as it just could be colouration. It does not sound like velvet.
Sorry i'm really tired now and need to go to bed.
I would just keep a close eye on them for now.

Does it look like this.


  • rummy1.jpg
    43.7 KB · Views: 61
It looks exactly like that. How the crap did you get such a good picture?? Lol. 
Just did a search as it rang a bell what you described. It's normal.
Just put rummynose tetra and green and yellow head patches.
Ugh, I was using the imprecise word "splotch" in my googling. How dumb. Thanks very much!

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