Vampire Pleco


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2011
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Hi people, I got a Vampire pleco Monday, I saw him later that day but not since! Starting to worry now, I've got alot of plants and bogwood, but see him anywhere. Any idea where they like to hide?
Yeah I suppose so, but still I would've thought I would see him somewhere. Water change tomorrow so hopefully I can see him somewhere.
Nothing irregular here I don't think.

I put a teeny L177 in my tank once and then didn't see it for 4 months!

By all means check for it, a dead pleco will do horrible things to your water quality but from his point on view a few weeks ago he was chilling in a river in South America, now, having been flown half way round the world he is stuck in a glass box.

Will take some getting used to!
Yeah very true, but spending so much on him I expected to see him sometimes haha! No worries I'm sure its all fine*cross fingers*
Yeah very true, but spending so much on him I expected to see him sometimes haha! No worries I'm sure its all fine*cross fingers*

Haha, plecos may not be for you then ;)

My missus used to shake her head when I came home with another 70 quid fish that I didn't expect to see for more than 5 minutes a week.
when you do see him take a piccie, dying to see what it looks like, does it have fangs and a red cloak, just kidding, love some of the names of fish,
when you do see him take a piccie, dying to see what it looks like, does it have fangs and a red cloak, just kidding, love some of the names of fish,

Actually, Leporacanthicus do have 'fangs', well more fang like teeth than other Lorii's.

See the photo below of L. Joselimai (Sultan Pleco) which is from the same genus.

I think they use them for eating molluscs
I;ve had one of these for about 10 months and its a great plec, Its now one of my more active plecs but then saying that it never strays more than 4 inches from its cave and even then when you look at it it darts back in. Thats plecs, the shyest plec I have ever had was a L25 that was almost my most expensive. Thats just the way they are
You have only had the Plec for a short time. After it has settled down it will come out more often.

I feed minced fish to my Reedfish and my Vampire pounces on it as it hits the bottom.
You have only had the Plec for a short time. After it has settled down it will come out more often.

Definatley my L052 i didn't see for months on end, thgought she was dead now she's always out and not shy one bit :) got her at the start of the year sometime and only this past month has she appeared
I've kept plecos for 10 yrs and they come out all the time but they're very shy :)
Just seen him!! His on the bogwood, but its got loads of different bits he can get to so guess thats why I couldnt see him. Just happy he's alive...was worried.

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