Valerie and Lyle are making love faces

Good. Go for it if you want to do it. Ignoring the people here who nip at you. So do I too. You did bought a 20 gallon for $120 price and I know you are capable to raise them up if you success breeding them. You will get the babies out easily when you need to. Talk to the club members of your school that you willing to donate from your hand raise babies bettas to the club. You want to help to fund raising money for the club. They will all be excited and want to help you out even the teachers will offer you a hand. My student from art department did do a betta fund raising and all the bettas sold out before the event end. You just need to plan it with the club members in your school. Get nice plastic containers with lids from dollar store for the bettas. ;) Pm me if you need help.
Sorrell, I agree with YB. You have every right to voice your opinion, but you do not have a right to tell people not to breed their fish. Why shouldn't people practice breeding VT's, everyone has to start somewhere!!

I'm not against anyone giving advice, I love hearing different opinions. But negative advice is no help to anyone..
I apologize if the truth sounds negative to you, but that's your interpretation not mine. -_-

The betta forum has really turned to crap in the last month or so and I'm not the only one who feels this way. We are so caught up in being "the friendliest forum around" that instead of being a place where people can receive good advice they come here to be coddled while they make poor choices and kill their fish. Personally, I would rather all of you hate me and be giving good advice then the alternative.

I'm not going to sit and and tell people to breed their fish when they are completely unprepared with poor stock. It's just not going to happen so don't hold your breath.

This section is seriously turning into a joke. I spend more time going around and correctly ludacris information then anything else and that's absolutely ridiculous.
Alright thanks,I`ll keep in mind.I`ve already thought of some people to give a betta to.
Poor brunette girl.... getting caught up in the middle of all this :rolleyes:
:blink: Wow this thread has turned into something pretty big I`ll be back right after a shower.
yeeviabetta,I just want to thank you for encouraging me to breed despite my bettas being VT.Thanks ;)
Sorrell, who cares if her betta's are VT's? VT's are just as beautiful and desirable as CT's and HM's and all the other tail types. Just because they are the most popular betta's and the ones that are generally sold in stores doesn't mean she shouldn't breed them. As long as she finds homes for all of them, it should be okay.
Don't call her betta's poor stock either. I bet they are lovely with beautiful fins. Calling them poor stock is fairly rude. You have a right to state your opinion but if it isn't nice, don't say it. Shes only starting. No reason to discourage her now.

Brunettegirl, kudos to you for breeding VT's as I think they are as beautiful if not more beautiful than any other type of betta. Don't listen to Sorrell, breed your fish and make sure they go to great homes. Maybe, if you get enough money, you could buy another pair to breed with. And show Sorrell that you don't have poor stock and that this is only a starting point. ;)

Can't wait to hear more about it!
sorry, i'm with sorrell on this one, breeding VT's makes no sense, in fact, breeding at all makes no sense unless you have the time and resourses to go about it properly. there are so many variables, so many water changes, so many mouths to feed, i'll tell you the truth, i'm happy that this last spawn we have on the go will be our last, at least for now. with us both working now, it's too hard. when my wife was home all day she had time to keep up with maintenance, now, we are both tired after working all day and know the fish are the ones that ultimately suffer if we don't keep up with daily water changes, cultivating live food etc. let it be a warning to those not truly dedicated, enjoy your bettas by all means, but remember..not every betta needs to be bred.
Sorrell, who cares if her betta's are VT's? VT's are just as beautiful and desirable as CT's and HM's and all the other tail types.

That right there shows the lack of knowledge you must have. VTs are in no way desirable in the betta world.

Don't call her betta's poor stock either. I bet they are lovely with beautiful fins. Calling them poor stock is fairly rude. You have a right to state your opinion but if it isn't nice, don't say it. Shes only starting. No reason to discourage her now.

I'm not calling her bettas poor stock specifically, I've never seen her bettas. VTs are not good stock as a whole. I'm not being rude I'm being truthful. There is nothing desirable about color and finnage (or lack there of) of a veil. As I've said before, I'm sick of the attitude in this forum. It goes in cycles and we're in the thick of one right now.

Maybe, if you get enough money, you could buy another pair to breed with. And show Sorrell that you don't have poor stock and that this is only a starting point.

Why not start out on the right foot? If you think you're going to make money breeding bettas you are sorely mistaken. As I've said before if you can't afford nice stock you have no business breeding as your fry will die when you can't afford to care for them. Figure about $500 dollars for your first spawn and then subtract the cost of tanks from then on.

Just to clarify...I don't hate Veils, I have 17 and I love them. I believe they are so special as they are the ones who brought most of us into this hobby and that keep the betta name out there even though it is mostly at their own cost. I would never ever breed them and I will never encourage anyone to do so. It has nothing to do with the fish, it's what people want to do to them.
:/ The thing is no one likes to be told what to do...this is a gimme. So instead of telling each other what we should or shouldn't do (cas no one needs a second mother or father ;)) and everyone get's their knickers in a knot...let's look at what exactly is going to transpire here and what is trying to be pointed out....

Let's all just sit back, calm down, and think about things for a second.

(we will use this for example sake)
Let's say you wanted to breed dogs.

You wouldn't go to the pound and pick out a couple of "really pretty" dogs to "practice" breeding with, now would you (no, of course not)...even if you have people lined up to take them. That's just not how it works.

You are supposed to breed to better whatever specie you are involved with...not breed more "mutts" into that species community.

Breeding Veils, who have no traceable pedigree is kinda silly...isn't it? There is nothing for you to better. No tail type, no color pattern, no nothing. These are live animals..not a piece of paper that you can just wad up and throw away when you are done "practicing". :no:

Do you have 200+ friends/relatives that want betta's? (I know you are thinking "yeah right, that won't happen to me. Like I'll even get close to that many."...well you can't have that have to plan for WHAT IF) Because what are you going to do with 200+ baby betta's? What happens if 90% are males..where are you going to put 190+ jars? Can you afford to feed them live foods, afford to buy them frozen foods, buy heating pads and/or heaters to keep them all warm, buy water conditioner for them, change water daily, buy containers large enough to house them you have time to properly cultivate your live they don't run out? Not to mention what your water bill will be from using so much water every single day. That is alot of water. A single Beanie Baby box holds 56oz of water...think about that...56oz x 190 boxes x 90 days (at the least). :crazy:

128 oz = 1 gallon.
56oz = 1 Beanie Baby box

56oz x 190 boxes = 10,640 oz a day

10,640 oz x 90 days = 957,600 oz for 3 months

957,600oz = 7,482 gallons of water..for a 3 month period. :S

Do you live alone? Or with parents/roomates..what are they gonna think about that? What are they gonna think about all those containers cluttered about, sitting everywhere?

You can't give them away until they are 2 months old what will you do with them until then? What will you do with them afterwards if people back out on taking them..and trust me...people always back out...that's how it goes with animals...things "come up".

The school idea is great...but what if there are no schools doing anything like that in her area? What then :blink: ? I know we don't have anything at the schools around here...they sell candy..not peddle fish. They have a contract with the company that provides it.

The only way I could see it even being a logically..feasible idea, would be if you had a contract set up before hand with a LFS or take the babies..otherwise I think you are setting yourself up for a big heart ache...when you have all these babies and aren't able to properly take care of them, they start getting sick from lack of proper care, you run out of space and you are told to "get rid of some"...and you either have to start culling or they start dying off, because you can't afford to medicate all of them or keep them. :-(

I don't think you want that to be your first experience with breeding. I'm sure you want it to be a happy experience..not a tough luck one. :nod:

Why not just keep those Veils for pets, spend $20-30 on a couple of good males, and some nice females...and then breed good, quality betta's. I'm sure your LFS would jump at the chance to have something other then Veils...because they can sell them for more, plus it will bring more people to their shops after people spread the word about "these new betta's" they saw at the LFS". :thumbs:

Here is a little price Break down for you:

Beanie Baby boxes (12) = $30 (for 190 that's roughly $285)
Water conditioner (1 bottle treats 200 gallons) = $5 (for 7,482 gallons that's roughly $187.05)
Frozen Bloodworms (1 pack) =$5 (for 3 months and 200 fish that's roughly $50)
Heating pads (you can fit 6 boxes on 1 pad) = $10 each (for 190 boxes that's roughly $315)
Total = roughly $837.05 ..before taxes/shipping.
That's just for 3 months, and that's just a few of the many items you will need..not mentioning medications should they get ill, or silk plants, ect.

Just some things to mull over in your head before you proceed with this endevor. :look:
I agree with SRC 100%.

At one point I was damned determined to breed my veils like you. Then I thought better of it after I talked to my LFS. Turns out they'd much rather have nice, decent stock than the typical veils they get in. After all, they can charge more for them, and therefore you can get more money for them.

In the end, it's just not a good idea to breed veils. There's no market for them, because every LFS has a contract with a company to sell their bettas. I doubt that they're going to break that.

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