I agree with ste2k that UV on a reef tank isn't normally needed and I don't use one, though if Ick/whitespot developed and I couldn't easily kick it I would go that route. The rest is just not right.
Pods does not = plankton. Copepods, etc, are not going to pass through the UV any more than they would through a cannister filter or skimmer. When they do on occasion, they are dead. Then if they make it back to the display they get eaten, so no problem. I used to run a cannister with fine microfilters and my pods were thriving. Plankton you are not going to see with the eye, but they are also primarily living on rocks, sand ... they adhere to things. Most tanks don't have live plankton breeding, that's why we feed. And some feed live, some feed dead, and they all get eaten, so again, who cares? They get eaten.
Look, what I am writing is not opinion. Do a search in reefcentral.com, reefs.org, wetwebmedia.com -- the 3 leading forums on reef aquariums, and they all say the same thing. UV will not harm populations of pods, worms, plankton. If you have them you will continue to, if you don't you will continue not to until adding them.
But again, I don't use one and have not had ick in my reef tank, and most who have been here for ages will remember that I had ick bigtime in my f/w tank.
Interesting, then people here (Rose) said UV was strictly for salt tanks. Wrong. UV is, IMO and IME, essential in f/w tanks. I wouldn't run one without. So far, my reef has been fine without. The animals (cleaner shrimp, cleaner goby, cleaner wrasse) work great for controlling parasites. Other animals control unwanted algaes.
Anyone who has added meds to any tank, fresh or salt, without turning off their UV has simply been lucky not to have had substantial losses. UV can and will break down chemical bonds in medications, and every single UV sterilizer sold for aquarium purposes says to shut it off when adding anything to the tank. Any cheleated copper for instance gets broken down. Quinine goes ballistic under UV and will kill everything in a tank. Malachite Green goes bonkers under UV and they must not be used simultaneously. Almost every antibiotic is rendered useless by UV, and some become toxic. It is absolutely the case that EVERY newe UV unit sold has this warning, at least in the States. Coralife, Custom Aquatic, Aquanetics, all have the warning. I have to assume the other brands do as well.