uv sterilizer

Salt Freak

Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
houston, texas
I just got a uv sterilizer 8 watt for my tank I'm so happy. whats the maximum flow rate through it for parasite control.
Is this a useful tool for a tank? Is it effective to combat ich when it occurs?

I know you wouldn't want one to run all the time but would it be efficeive when you notice ich occurs to run it for awhile to kill it in its swimming stage?
Then whats the debate about it being bad to have one... I am just confused I guess. Can anyone explain the pros and cons of having one or not.

If its a really good thing I may get one for my larger tank(s).
The pros is that it basically wipes out every parasite/bacteria in the water, meaning your fish will virtually never get sick.

The cons is that, should the UV light go out for some reason, the fish will be left in danger as they're immune systems would weaken over time from living in such sterile conditions.

whilst what PT says is partly true, the larger problem with a marine system is the very much beneficial micro plankton that swim in the water columalso. this planktonic life is a vital part of the food chain for corala nd mico life. pods can surive on other things but with living planktonic forms in the water it helps. Now artificial water doesnt carry much life anyway, only what the liverock can produce on its own so running a UV for prolonged period can work. If you use natural water like i do then it will quickly strip the water of the things that make it so special. UVs are not fussy what they kill.. anything passing through it will get zapped by UV light.
I run a UV and would not be without it as it really does work. However i only run mine when i need to so that it makes a minimal impact on the rest of the eco system.

A sucesful UV need to have the corect flow going through it also or it becomes inefective, too fast and the parasites are not exposed long enough to the UV.

Im sorry but i dont know the answer top the orinigal question.. i would ask the shop you got it from or even try the manufacturers website.

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