UV Sterilizer

OK. may see you at the weekend don't think its going to sell that quickly because we are reef specialists and U.V arn't that popular on reef tanks an the minuit.
i am not trying to pick on anyone or any one type of unit but ... 1) that unit looks super cool, i dig the clear tube 2) water only passes once through the chamber, so flow has to be very VERY slow. other brands offer a double helix system that takes water through two sets of spirals. a 12 inch unut actually yields 48 inches of pass 3) glass allows biologics to grow on it or settle on it- chose a quartz sleeve or a mdecial grade plastic tubing. obviously cost is a big factor here. if u can get one used- by all means save a ton of money. if you are buying one new- get the most advanced. no reason to spend that kind of cash and not have it be effecitve.
I get your point but may i just point a couple of things out here.

This unit is better than the type which have the double helix because unlike normal u.v's the water passes directly over the bulb. on normal U.V's there is a bulb then a quartz sleeve and then the water passes over. with these the watter actualy flows over the bulb. also the efficiency of the quarts sleeve can drop over time because of build up of things like detritus and calcium/ calcariouse substances. there is not usually means of cleaning these. with the HW U.V, when the bulb is replaced, there is a new surface for the water to flow over, i.e the bulb with all the detritus/deposits is replaced.
also, is the volume of the u.v rund the bulb is the same, flow won't effect it providing there are no dead spots.
flow is created by the pump- that UV may require a slower flow to increase contact time. i am sure each unit has its advantages and disadvantages.
these U.V's do have a slow flow like the majority of U.V's out on the market. like you say there are pro's and cons to all U.V's.

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