Uv Or Treatment?


Nov 28, 2006
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i have a uv steriliser and my tang has white spot even though he is doing great and he is the only fish what has whiterspot ,i have just bought a treatment called myazin is it worth turning my uv off for this treatment
what are your views or facts about this?
Dont hold out much hope for the treatment ive been using it as described, its killed my starfish, made my lovely flame really shy, killed a turbo snail and my feathers are really shy to. i followed all instructions as stated and its completly ruined my tank!!!! GOOD LUCK
my fish also has white spot. i have already lost a convict blenny and orchid dottyback. the rest of my fish all have it. i fear i will lose them all i have just started a new medication. cuprazin from waterlife. you will have to take out all your inverterbrates, for this stuff will kill them as it has formadehyse but act quickly because this parasite kills fast.
if you do not have a quarintine tank for your inverterbrates use a bucket with salt water and a heater

good luck and keep us posted!!!!
Does the waterlife treatment contain copper, if it does complete waste of time as the copper will sit on everything in the tank then when you re-introduce inverts they will die straight away?
well im bringing my salinty to 1.024 and im just topping up my water myuv is still on and my treatment is not using at the mo it does not contain any copper and it it says it is reef safe the guy at the lfs advised me this as he had a tang and this cleared the white spot off but i am worried about turning my uv off what is working as the tang is the only fish with whitespot and also does the myxazin work
also dannyboy what treatment did you use was it the same one as i have got?
also i have been feeding twice a day- flakes in the moring these flakes are benfiical when figting against white spot also i feed at night mysis shrimp with garlic extract
also the tang is healthy and is doing just fine so is it worth trying the treatment at this stage?
cheerz lee
It depends how bad the ich infestation is. If its mild-moderate, I wouldn't treat, but if its more moderate-severe, I'd treat.
the waterlife treatment is copper free but you must make sure you take out your inverts
i woldnt have to take any inverts out if i used myaxzin as its reef safe and copper free and when i think its not worth it i just turn the uv back on to break the chemicals up if i used one wich is not reef safe and has copper i would treat it in a quariantine tank wich i have not got so...
also the ich depeneds on diffrent days . 1 day he might have a pimple the next he will be covered like snow then a day or two here have just a couple on him what would you say this is ?
the myaxzin is only going to prolong the parasite to do its work i would definetely recommend using cuprazin as its main active ingredient is formadehyde and after 10 day treatment you should of hopefully killed the parasite. good luck
It was the myaxzin that i used after being advised it was reef/invert safe by my lfs, started the treatment as prescribed and its destroyed my tank and there are still traces of white spot, and before everyone asks my water parameters are perfect.
i thought you SHOULD leave the UV on as it kills off the free swimming parasites....the main purpose of having a UV
i thought you SHOULD leave the UV on as it kills off the free swimming parasites....the main purpose of having a UV

Personally, I would be looking for root-cause, when did you first notice, had anything changed, water params, nutrition, bullying, was the fish stressed for a reason?

UV is effective at altering the structure of the tomite but does not get em all. When the white spots fall from the host they turn into cysts and sit on your substrate, each cyst products approx 300 tomites which go free swimming to find another host - which is why ich can take over so dramatically. Its worth having a hover of the substrate (only the surface - don't go turning it over) when you see the spots disappear.

As skifletch said, if the tang is not really bad then try to do whatever you can to reduce stress. The only two things proved to work are hyposalinity and copper I'm afraid, anything else is questionable of if it worked or if the fish immune system got rid
Tangs are notorious for developing whitespot at the drop of a hat. If it were me Lee, I'd get a little quarantine tank setup and move the fish into it. This will stop the fish reinfecting the water and hopefully safeguard against any other fish contracting it. It will also mean that no other fish can stress the tang further. Even though the treatment is considered reef safe and ok to use with invertebrates, I'd still be apprehensive about adding it to the display tank. As others have said, it doesn't appear to be all that an effective medication that you have purchased. The cuprazin is far more effective a treatment.

If you do decide to transfer the fish to a hospital tank, raise the temperature in the main tank up to about 28c. This should help speed up the lifecycle of the parasite and hopefully kill it off in the maintank. If you leave the tang in quarantine for about 10 days using curpazin, then the display tank should be free from the parasite if you raise the temperature to that level.

well im bringing my salinity upto 1.024 and am deciding to go against the myazin as i think it will go away on its own also i want him to be stress free also in my toher topic my tang and ich im am wondering what other ways are good at prevention and cures also i have not and will not be investing in a q.tank my mum has laid down he law lol anyway... cheers for help

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