Usual boring what fish question?


Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Walsall, UK

Take a look at my sig and see whats in the 120L tank. Over stocked? of course it is, however later this week I'll have a 680 litre tank for them to move into. Assuming I dont do anything to help my guppy breed even more, anyone got any ideas for one or two real interesting fish to add that could get along in a community tank yet benefit from the space?

I have all the creative tallents of a gnat so I'll appreciate any ideas.
As the name of this board is Beginner Questions the vast majority of readers (including myself) wouldn't really know what fish to suggest.

If you are talking about the bigger tank then how about clown loaches or perhaps bala sharks or some angels or maybe a school of rainbows. Hope you get a chance to read this as you deal with the flood of responses :rolleyes: ;)
I would agree with the idea of a few clown loaches, they are fun to watch and would benefit from a large space. Also, i would suggest some giant danio's., they are really active and would look cool in a group in a larger tank

Whhhheee thanks :p

HHmm clown loaches. Funny I'd thought about those fellas some time ago and thought I'll remember them for when I have a large tank one day ;)

Yes I'm talking about the new tank, yes I added that subject just to get people reading it, which it did, 30 reads on the first day :thumbs:

Is there an ideal number for clown loaches? 3s?
The tank will be 30-40% gravel (the original gravel from the 120L with beneficial bacteria intacts) and 60% sand (new sterile sand).

So clown loaches are real charcters to watch eh? I must admit other than the corys I dont have many fish that really tear up the tank...... I think active/interesting fish are the ideal here.

Angels? would the smaller tetras be ok with those? dont they eat anything that fits in their mouth?
Angels and most large fish will sometimes eat other small fish but i think they are getting a bad rap. I have had angels and neons/cardinals together in tanks for over 30 years and there is only one tetra death i can directly link to an angel attack (caught the bugger with the tail fin in his yap :lol: ). You just need to add the angels last and keep them well fed and everything should be fine. Just like with other cichlids they can get territorial when older but the other fish quickly learn the boundaries and adapt to them. :)
Stryker said:

Take a look at my sig and see whats in the 120L tank. Over stocked? of course it is, however later this week I'll have a 680 litre tank for them to move into. Assuming I dont do anything to help my guppy breed even more, anyone got any ideas for one or two real interesting fish to add that could get along in a community tank yet benefit from the space?

I have all the creative tallents of a gnat so I'll appreciate any ideas.
-_- if you want more replys I would post in chit chat, this isn't much of a begginer question so people ignored it and went on to the other ones, although i'm sure your great enthusiasm urged them to post. :|

Anyway like Dark angel said gouramis would be cool.

or bala sharks as tstenback said

depending on what else you get danios or wcms will be cool they're lively if in large groups 5+ :D

also if you want small fish like tetras you may have to watch out for the gouramis

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