USA folks: where you do get your plants online?

Thanks. Yeah it's only a 20gal and I have an old camping pad underneath it so it should be fine. Filled it with water this am and so far no leaks. Still have to empty it out to get it in it's final location and to saw the extra off the plywood but so far so good :)

No plants though, I reached out to them and they said they "think it will ship Monday"...
OK folks, despite the delay, the plants arrived mostly looking good!

Here are some unboxing pictures:


and this is the shipping list:

I'm a little concerned since all the plants were supposed to be "hardy, no co2" and customer service told me that they don't require a lot of light, but I googled most of them and especially the glossostigma elastinoides worries me.

can anyone tell me anything else about the other plants?

Finally, here they are in the tank. I am aware that the glossostigma is in the dead center, I tried to put it directly under the light so I realize that the scape is more than a bit wonky, but I guess at this point I'm still trying to figure out how many of these will actually survive....

Any tips are appreciated!!! As well if you can ID the "bunch plant" (I am thinking its either bacopa, ludwigia or rotala, but I really have no idea about plants).

Let me know what you think!!
They are hardy plants. But,Jungle Val gets very large. Bacopa seems to be the mixed bunch and it too is a very good might fill in the whole aquarium the way you spread it out. I never did try hairgrass or staurogyne or lobelia or glosso's. The Staurogyne has a good reputation,I came close to ordering it but my star grass filled in that area I had planned.
There is youtuber who does low tech lush plant tanks with much light and very few it can be done without the Co2. He does use the dirted tank method though.
I ordered root tabs but they're somewhere in the USPS system. The tracking information says "delayed, but will be arriving". Very useful lol.

Many of these plants I am hoping will eventually go into the 125 gallon, so I don't really care if in a month this entire tank is full of plant matter :D the 125 just isn't set up yet, and honestly I didn't expect to get quite this many plants :D

Thanks for the information! Let me know if you remember the name of the youtuber, always worth checking out :)
The Cardinal Lobelia plant can grow tall in search for light, and once emersed the leaves will get nice and reddish purple. Otherwise it will go back to green color if submerged. It is a nice plant. One is on the left side of the tank looking leggy with lots of little roots, the other one has remained compact behind the lava stone on the right. For reference, the tank is 3 gal. and 18" long.

Oh cool!! Thanks for the heads up! Should I trim it if it tries to grow emersed?
Also, looks like you got bacopa. One bit to consider, you may want to move your tiger lily bulb back a bit, perhaps behind a crypto since they get leggy. The midground will fill the lower space nicely.

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