US Capitol!

Well, if you take that approach, nothing in the USA is unique :rolleyes:

How about Constitutional Republic
Isn't that in other areas as well though?
Obesity? I believe America invented that ahahaha it caught in quite fast in the uk aswel
Baseball was not invented in Japan- somebody is spending too much time reading BS on the net?

In September 1845, a group of New York City men founded the New York Knickerbocker Baseball Club. One of them—volunteer firefighter and bank clerk Alexander Joy Cartwright—would codify a new set of rules that would form the basis for modern baseball, calling for a diamond-shaped infield, foul lines and the three-strike rule. He also abolished the dangerous practice of tagging runners by throwing balls at them.

Cartwright’s changes made the burgeoning pastime faster-paced and more challenging while clearly differentiating it from older games like cricket. In 1846, the Knickerbockers played the first official game of baseball against a team of cricket players, beginning a new, uniquely American tradition.
Basketball was invented by Dr James Naismith, a Canadian working in the States at the time... sorry!

We'll give you guys props for inventing baseball and NFL style "football". Lawn mower tractor racing too. That's on you.
How about Jazz...
Jazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, Louisiana in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with its roots in blues and ragtime.[1][2][3] Since the 1920s Jazz Age, it has been recognized as a major form of musical expression in traditional and popular music. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, complex chords, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in European harmony and African rhythmic rituals.[4][5]

As jazz spread around the world,.........
Now we're getting places
Basketball was invented by Dr James Naismith, a Canadian working in the States at the time... sorry!

We'll give you guys props for inventing baseball and NFL style "football". Lawn mower tractor racing too. That's on you.
Basketball is an American sport, created in America. Just because the creator of said game was Canadian, does not make it a Canadian sport.

Baseball was originally developed and played in England, so no, we didn’t create it.
Well since this has turned into a "who did what and when" type of thing...

The algorithm in maths.....invented by none other than Muhammad ibn Musaa al'Khwarizmī in the 9th century Persia (now known as Iran)

You will find that algebra, astronomy and many many other things that the rest of the world laid claim to inventing actually originated in the 9th to 11th century Persia.

The Capitol Building, along with many other buildings of similar domed design around the world were modelled on...yes you guessed it...the Isfahan Mosque in Isfahan that was designed and built from the 11th century in known as Iran.

Even the paisley design on cloth originates from Persia and those stunning "Turkish" carpets originated from Persia

Whether you like it or not, we modern westerners have alot to thank the Persians for ;)

If it wasn't for the Persians we would not have had the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Yes, jazz, many elements of the blues... it came from Africa with the slaves, but it would seem that as the many African nations enslaved met in the US, there was a serious cultural exchange producing some wonderful art.

I find the USA very much like Canada in that the most creative things to come out of the mix came from working class and enslaved people. The rich were trying to copycat European civilizations, and the poor were just talking together and putting things together.
the Isfahan Mosque in Isfahan that was designed and built from the 11th century in known as Iran.
And mosque architecture was stolen from Christians. The Pantocrators (this is why they were domed) and other icons were plastered over, Crosses lopped off, and minarets installed.
I played rounders with Brits, but it was a very different game from baseball. As for the Persian references, yes, my ancestors were really backward during the great flowering of early Islamic science, architecture and art. It's a shame those arches ended up selling bad hamburgers.

It looks to me like we have come to a point here. Nothing belongs to one country or one culture. We all exchange and cross pollinate each others' ideas. No country is exceptional, and all countries bring cool things to the table.

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