Urgent, Please Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
Co. Durham
My ADF has white fluffy fungus covering his back foot. his foot looks withered away.
he also has a small patch on top of his head.

what is the best way of treating this?

Thanx, G
make sure the water is good because fungus infections are often caused by poor water quality doing damage to the animal's skin. Then the fungus can get into the wound.
Triple Sulpha is safe with axolotls and shrimp so should be safe for frogs.
Thanx for the reply, I have a bamboo shrimp in the tank so shrimp-safe is needed!

I have been keeping an eye on the stats, nitrite is 0 but have been getting traces of ammonia since adding a pair of BN plecs - they are messy buggers! Have been doing about 25% WC when ammonia found.

Would the treatment be safe to add to the whole tank? It contains cories, BNs, hatchets and the shrimp, plus a load of MTS

Thanx again, G
should have mentioned I am in UK, cant seem to find any triple sulfa on net!

are there any other recommendations?
Frogs are actually more susceptible to chemicals than fish or shrimp. This is because the frogs breathe through their skin and if there is anything bad in the water it will be absorbed immediately and affect them more readily than shrimp, snails or fish. Any medication that is safe for frogs will be safe for shrimp, catfish, loaches & snails.

If you are getting an ammonia reading then reduce the amount of food going into the tank. Also do a 50% (instead of 25%) water change to dilute ammonia readings, as the bigger water change will reduce the ammonia faster. Make sure you gravel clean the tank each time you do a water change.
Make sure any new water going in the tank is free of chlorine and has a similar temperature & PH to the tank.
Don’t wash the filter materials out under tap water as it can kill off the beneficial filter bacteria and cause ammonia and nitrite readings.

Maybe ring your local fish shop and ask if they have Triple Sulpha or Tri Sulpha, or any Sulpha/ Sulpher based medications. Any shop that carries “Wardleys” products should be able to get “Wardley’s Triple Sulpha”.
If you still can’t find any contact a company called “Waterlife”. They do a product called “Waterlife Myxazin” and it is meant to be safe for inverts (shrimp). However, I don’t know if it is safe for frogs. You would have to ask them that.
The other products that might help would be “Melafix” or “Pimafix”. They are meant to be safe for most things and are more natural based, rather than chemical based medications.
Hi thanx for the reply

I have been vac'ing when changing the water and have increased to 50% as recommended.

I have ordered the products and will keep you posted on how I get on.

Thanx again for your help, G

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