Urgent Help Needed! Tank Is Waiting For Help!

sounds like your on the right lines now,
do a journal of the tank?
what are you hoping to put in there in future?
any pics of it? =D
Also with adding my old filter media to the new, as far as I can tell my fish are healthy... I've never used treatments on the tank for white spot or anything like that, but is there anything to check/look for?

sounds like your on the right lines now,
do a journal of the tank?
what are you hoping to put in there in future?
any pics of it? =D

I plan mainly on a few killifish, male snakeskin guppies, and a female fighter
Also just checking on the tank, the thermometer reads 30• :S
The heather isn't on, and is set to 24, but I think it's the lights?!

I'm not sure what lights are in there (2nd hand tank) but I think they are too powerful?
Common? Shouldn't worry? Should buy new lights?
Really worried :/ the heat coming off my lights cannot be good, the thermo is sitting at 30, the heater is off (set at 24 after turned down from 26)
Anyone know what lights should be used in a fluval Vicenza 260?
I'm not sure if the previous owner swapped them out for some reason, or wether they just need replacing cus they are getting too hot
Any idea on the best lights for a fluval vicenza 260? Adequate enough for plants but ones that don't bump my temp up to 30!!
Just added a filter pad from my 64l and some bio max nodes and a few small coral rock into the filter, and added the 10L of water from the water change into the 250l.
Waited 30 mins, ammonia is reading 0.50ppm
Waiting on the ammonia to come tomorrow to start dosing it

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