
I"ve had an urcchin now for almost 2 years. He's been near the top of the tank and exposed to some air without ill effect. The main issus, as mentioned above, is that they can knock over anything and they will turn your beautifully colored nano tank into bare rock. They eat coralline algae. You can also get stuck by the needles when you clean the tank. The DO have a sting if you let your finger get near the mouth. SH
The DO have a sting if you let your finger get near the mouth. SH

Unfortunately I found that some time ago the hard way out after I'd had my urchin for a while. I had it walking around on my hand and it gave me a pretty good nip. Won't be making that mistake again.
well if they are able to scrape off coraline from limestone rock.... it wouldnt be hard to take off that soft skin you have lol
well if they are able to scrape off coraline from limestone rock.... it wouldnt be hard to take off that soft skin you have lol


I would think they would promote coralline growth as a whole. One of the best ways to spread coralline is to scrub your rocks clean of it whilst in the tank. That spreads the spores around. I would think urchins would make this happen by scraping around the rocks.
yes but there scraping and eating.... Not scraping and letting it fly around the tank :). Snails and hermits are good spore spreaders, it grows on their shells, they walk around spreading spores.
I think in a bigger tank they would help spread algae, but in a smaller tank, they eat it quicker than it grows.

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