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Love the urchin in the 6th pic Chac.

Am actually thinking of getting rid of the Urchin as he is a PITA :grr:

Keeps toppling my Corals & if I am fed up of getting 'spiked'

LOL just think about how much algae the tank will have without the urchin.
LOL just think about how much algae the tank will have without the urchin.

Probably wouldnt make much of a difference tbh, they only really eat Encrusting Corraline Algae, which I my tank seems to have no problem producing (thanks to a balance of Kh Mag & Cal)

My CUC (Clean Up Crew) Turbo Snails, Conches, Hermits, Star Fish Etc keep the algea & detritus under control

Here is our Cichlid tank
We have since lost about 3/4 of the fish in there through blackouts and not having a battery operated air pump. :( very sad day for all involved

Sorry i dont know gallons. I only know the metric measurements of the tank.

I have a smaller one too with a Barramundi and some sort of catfish, sorry dont know specifics. Buy them for the looks not the names :lol:
Ill try and get a pick of that one when it is clean, Very very dirty atm

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