Upgrading My Tank :)


Fish Fanatic
May 14, 2010
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Well it seems i have caught the fish keeping bug and i have now bought a new 120l tank! :)

Not sure what i am going to do with it yet but know that the inhabitants of my 60l juwel tank will be moving over and getting some new tank mates!!

I have included a photo of my old and new tank.....

View attachment 60369

Inhabitants of 60l: 6 neon tetras, 4 guppies, 1 molly and 1 queen of arabesque plec

New Tank.jpg

New tank has a sand & gravel base and was filled with water yesterday after lots of sand washing!!

All i know at the moment is that the fish from my 60l will be moving into the bigger tank and i am going to make my school of neons a bit bigger. Does anyone have any ideas for new tank mates??

Well it seems i have caught the fish keeping bug and i have now bought a new 120l tank! :)

Not sure what i am going to do with it yet but know that the inhabitants of my 60l juwel tank will be moving over and getting some new tank mates!!

I have included a photo of my old and new tank.....

View attachment 60369

Inhabitants of 60l: 6 neon tetras, 4 guppies, 1 molly and 1 queen of arabesque plec

New Tank.jpg

New tank has a sand & gravel base and was filled with water yesterday after lots of sand washing!!

All i know at the moment is that the fish from my 60l will be moving into the bigger tank and i am going to make my school of neons a bit bigger. Does anyone have any ideas for new tank mates??

Old Tank.jpg

Old tank!
that new tank looks really good in that room with the wall paper (not that i'm laurence llewelyn bowen). Get some real plants in there and i would up the school of neons and also get a pair of Bolivian rams.
Thanks Ian. I was going to get a plain background for it but i quite like it with the black wallpaper behind it.

I am going to get alot of plants, just need to work out which ones!

I have just had a look at the Bolivian Rams too and they look lovely although not sure where i would get them from as not seen them before!
heres a pretty usefull site. just type in the fish youre looking for and it comes up with a list of shops in their database that have them in stock :good:
i would up the school to 12 neons, you'll find Bolivians in most P@H and Maidenheads will have them for definate. As for the plants head over to the planted section and in the pinned threads at the top theres one for easy care plants.
you definately need to get lots more tetras! As suggested, 12 would be more interesting to watch!
Hope the new tank goes well for you!
I will def be getting more tetras for the new tank!! 6 will look lost in there!!

Just need to decide on something a bit bigger to go in with them!
I will def be getting more tetras for the new tank!! 6 will look lost in there!!

Just need to decide on something a bit bigger to go in with them!
Yeah, the best thing to do is get compatible species of bottom feeders, mid-dwellers...etc So you have fish in all areas of the tank :)
(all in my opinion of course!)
So what would you recommend to go with my current fish?

I have 6 neon tetras (i will be increasing to 12)
4 guppies
1 molly
1 queen of arabesque plec
Managed to get a good picture of my little plec so thought id share!!

He's a shy little thing :)

hi Jenni
that new tank looks great,could i ask you the name of the tank and where you bought it from,
i have been looking everywhere and on the web to find a tank but just cant seem to find the one i want,
you say yours is 120l,do they do bigger?
i hope you can reply soon,
guys, arent we missing someting.

you cant just add aload of fish without uprating the filtration or allowing it to cycle.

On a 120L tank, you really need an external filter kicking out 1200Lph +
Internal filters are not good enough and dont have the media capacity.
guys, arent we missing someting.

you cant just add aload of fish without uprating the filtration or allowing it to cycle.

On a 120L tank, you really need an external filter kicking out 1200Lph +
Internal filters are not good enough and dont have the media capacity.
hi Nick,
fantastic looking tank you have,
looks like you know what a tank should look like so a few questions for you if you dont mind,
i am totally new to fishkeeping but i want to keep rainbow fish,i have read many articles but would like to know what you would reccomend
in the way of rocks and easy to take care of plants,preferably ones that grow very slowly,as i dont want to keep pruning them

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