Fish Fanatic
hi Jenni
that new tank looks great,could i ask you the name of the tank and where you bought it from,
i have been looking everywhere and on the web to find a tank but just cant seem to find the one i want,
you say yours is 120l,do they do bigger?
i hope you can reply soon,
Hi Festo,
Thank you
guys, arent we missing someting.
you cant just add aload of fish without uprating the filtration or allowing it to cycle.
On a 120L tank, you really need an external filter kicking out 1200Lph +
Internal filters are not good enough and dont have the media capacity.
If you read through the thread, it says that i will be adding the fish from my 60l to the 120l not that i already have. The tank has no fish in it and is cycling as we speak with mature filter media.
As far as the filter goes, it is an Interpet PF3 which according to alot of internet sites and most of the lfs's i have visited, is absolutely fine for my 120l.
I may be a newbie but i do my research which is why i am on here most days asking questions and learning