Upgrade My Tank Already?


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Hey everyone,

I've recently gone from a 25ltr to a 64ltr tank for my bedroom. Its sitting on my desk and I have had to re-enforce the plinth to ensure it is solid. I've finally got it to a level where I feel like I know what i'm doing, and fishkeeping for around 7 months I have learned a lot. I am having a great time with the fish, but I can't help feeling like I want to go larger. I can't go too big, as it is an upstairs room (bedroom) where I keep the tank. What sort of weight should I be looking to re-enfore? I have been looking at a Juwel Rio 180 as I really like the dark wood finish on the cabinet and the size would be ideal. Right now I have the 64 litre interpet tank, a desk cabinet filled with junk and 3 pieces of MDF supporting the weight. If I were to go for the 180 juwel, would I be looking at a dangerous weight level? Also, can someone highlight some of the benefits of a larger tank (other than the obvious free fish space)?

Any advice would be great,

Larger tanks are easier to maintain and of course you have much more choices of fish. I had a 60 litre tank before my 180 and I am keeping the 60 as a quarantaine tank now. I am very happy that I am able to keep nice shoals of fish, as well as scaping (I have live plants) is much easier. Normally you do not need to reinforce the floor. The cabinet which comes with the tank you are looking for should already spread the weight so you don't have it all in one or 2 points. Just make sure your tank is levelled, otherwise the glass may break (I had this problem).
Thanks for your reply :)

Its a large tank and for this size I think it would be the absolute limit I could go to. The current cabinet the tank sits on is actually part of my room furniture and with it being designed for light use, meant I had to support it otherwise it bowed (which it did originally). The current tank is level, so I can't imagine it being a problem unless the cabinet is wonky lol. I love the idea of scaping it, with an internal textured background. I currently have live plants which means I shouldn't have much trouble bringing them over.

Larger tanks are easier to maintain and of course you have much more choices of fish. I had a 60 litre tank before my 180 and I am keeping the 60 as a quarantaine tank now. I am very happy that I am able to keep nice shoals of fish, as well as scaping (I have live plants) is much easier. Normally you do not need to reinforce the floor. The cabinet which comes with the tank you are looking for should already spread the weight so you don't have it all in one or 2 points. Just make sure your tank is levelled, otherwise the glass may break (I had this problem).
If your worried, suss out which way the floor beams go and sit it along a beam.

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