Update on my Tetra babies


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario Cananda
They seem to be doing great. They are swimming around a lot now. They aren't attaching themselves to the walls of the tank anymore. They do tend to stay near the bottom of the tank though. I have been putting small ammounts of crushed flake food in a couple times a day, just to make sure they are getting something to eat. They seem to be eating something because they are getting bigger and are very active. There are definately 5 of them and they are so cute. I can see their little tails going so fast and little fins now and everything. I love my little babies :wub:

it sounds cool that your fish are growing. i have one question for you.how do you breed tetra. is there a certain amount of food they have to eat or a certain temp. private message me your answer. or just post it on the website. :blink:
thats cool that your baby tetras made it. hope they do good. vote on my poll please. i need a few more votes to see wich fish i should breed. :nod:
Well to tell you the truth, I don't know how to breed Tetras. It just happened for me. If I knew how I would do it again. All my babies died :no: I'm not sure what I did wrong, they looked like they were doing really well. I tested the water, everything was 0 but my Ph was high, around 8.0 I think. Hopefully there will be a next time and they will live. I'll give it a shot next time I notice my female is fat. That might be in a month or so, but I'll be sure to post and let you all know how it goes.

Shark, I hope that what ever you decide to breed, it works out for you. I'll go check out your poll, but you might have already made your decision by now.

You've sparked my interest, Gabe. I have 4 black skirt tetras myself. Two I bought a month or so ago, but I've had the first two for much longer. One is pretty good sized and very plump in the belly. The other is still smaller (was when I bought them, still is) and slim through the belly. Otherwise I haven't seen much of a distinction between them. :/

Do you know how to sex them? :huh: If my smaller one is a male, my other one might be pregnant and not just fat (I had a cherry barb disappear, so I figured she had eaten it, but that was weeks ago and she is still fat). How did you know your fish was pregnant and when did you notice the eggs, etc.?

Now I am very interested to know if mine is pregnant or not and what to do if it is. I may need to move "her" to another tank, raise the temp, feed live foods or something. I'm thinking of raising this question elsewhere, too, to see if anyone else has had there b/s tetras breed.

It never occured to me that tetras would breed in my tank. This is exciting news! :hyper: I'm sorry that your babies didn't make it. :sad:

Good luck next time around! :D
First of all, your Tetra wouldn't be pregnant. They are egg layers, so she would just have be carrying eggs. They scatter their eggs actually.

But, for a couple weeks I noticed that my female(she is bigger and more round looking than the males) was looking fat. Almost square in the stomach. I just thought she was over eating b/c she seems to get most of the food, she's really fast. I didn't really think anything of it until I changed their water. I gave them some blood worms after the water change and accidentally gave them to much(frozen blood worms). The next morning they were chasing each other and they do this kind of shimmy(for scattering the eggs). I didn't think to much of that either b/c they have done if before and I didn't notice anything. Well, I had just put in a new decoration, that is the only reason why I saw any eggs. Since the fish wouldn't go in it b/c it was new, the eggs that fell in it were safe. The female gets really busy eating the eggs, so if you do try to breed them, remove the parents ASAP!!

So if you move your female you have to move your male(s) as well or the eggs won't be fertilized. The difference between the 2 are: the female is bigger and looks a little rounder in shape, the males are smaller, the females have narrow anal fin that runs parallel with its second vertical line

Hope this helps and I'm sorry it got so long. If you have any more questions, I'll try to help you out


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