He survived the ph change this morning so he will probably be fine going back to the big tank ph wise. The fact that another fish appeared ill makes me think there is still a problem in the 29 gal though, too much coincidence. Problem is, we still haven't established what that actual issue is.
The symptoms you described for the Serpae sound like early signs of swim bladder disease, which is worrying. It may be worth treating the 29 gal for this as it wouldn't show up in the water parameters and could be the problem.
Difficult though, I hate treating a tank unless i'm certain there is a problem but something is still not right in there. Your choice, tricky one though
The symptoms you described for the Serpae sound like early signs of swim bladder disease, which is worrying. It may be worth treating the 29 gal for this as it wouldn't show up in the water parameters and could be the problem.
Difficult though, I hate treating a tank unless i'm certain there is a problem but something is still not right in there. Your choice, tricky one though