Up To Date List Of Goodeids


Fish Gatherer
Dec 1, 2006
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The Goodeid Room
up to date list of goodeids

Allodontichthys polepis
Allodontichthys tamazulae kees de jong 2002
Allodontichthys tamazulae *
Allodontichthys zonistus jalisco mexico
Alloophorus robustus lago de patzcuaro, michoacan, mexico
Allotoca zacapuensis Lake Zacapu 2000

Ameca splendens rio teuchitlan lambert collection 1996
Ataeniobius toweri rio verde, mexico *

Chapalichthys encaustus lago, de capala,
Chapalichthys encaustus albino form
Chapalichthys pardalis *

Characodon audax El toboso, Durango, mexico
Characodon lateralis los berros, Durango, mexico
Characodon lataralis sp. Guadalupe Aguilera mexico
Characodon lateralis los pinos, mexico

Girardinichthys multiradiatus maravatio, mexico
Girardinichthys viviparous D. lambert collection 1989

Goodea atripinnis lago patzcuaro
Goodea atripinnis marivito, mexico
Goodea atripinnis laguna opopeo
Goodea atripinnis *
Ilyodon ameca aquarium strain
Ilyodon Furcidens Ilyodon xantusi
Ilyodon whitei *
Ilyodon cortezi * Xenotaenia resolanae *
Xenophorus captivus aquarium strain

Xenotoca eiseni rio tamazula mexico
Xenotoca eiseni granja sahuaripa, mexico
Xenotoca eiseni golden saddle san marcos
Xenotoca melanosoma *

Zoogoneticus tequila rio teuchitlan. Jalisco, mexico
Zoogoneticus quintzeoensis la luz mexico
Zoogoneticus quintzeoensis la luz mexico 2002 ?

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Chapalichthys encaustus albino
yes all of the goodeids on the list are kept in my fishhouse. i have kept and breed many wild livebearing fish for more than 25 years . i have been seriously breeding goodeids for the past 15 years.
I can back fish48 up seen his collection many time's :)
This is why i want to get my old fish room back up and running, hard to do in a 1 bed flat.
That is quite an impressive list fish48. I noticed that Xenotaenia Resolanae are missing from the list. I'm sure there are others but that is one I have. Is there a reason you don't keep them or have you just moved on to more interesting fish?
Sorry I mist them out) I have Xenotaenia Resolanae they are a very nice looking fish and are one of the most greediest of goodeids. they will eat any food giving to them
to me their are no fish more interesting than goodeids
When are you going to start shipping fish, Oldman? I'm only in Ohio...I want to get lots of Endlers when I set the big tank up and I can't find them anywhere locally.
For endlers look up aderianHD also know as swamp river cant get better then him. he'll also ship fish as in the US
Thanks Helter, the only problem that I'll have now is deciding which strain that I want. Gah! :lol:

[Edit] And he has so many other cool livebearers. Have you seen the red Micropoecilia picta that he has on his site? There goes Christmas...
If you like the look of the wild endlers, you could also try Paul, AKA Tampafishman1. He is the one maintaining the species maintenance ponds in Florida for the wild types. He lists quite often on aquabid and is where I got mine. Both he and Adrian Hernandez are very strong forces in the endler world. Adrian lists as swampriveraquatics.

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