Unwanted Lr

Lol, you should come visit then :D

Sry bout jackin your thread :blush:
I don't know if fragmenting it would be best. From what I read the more area of the rock revieled the better. To have it surrounded by flowing water.

Then wouldn't it be better TOO crush it? To increase SA (Surface Area):V (volume) ratio? ;) If you have sufficient LR already to complete your nitrogen cycle, as you mentioned in your first post, why do you need it intact? You dont. I have all LR rubble filling in the gaps between my large chunks of LR, giving a greater SA and alot more life. Water still flows between it.

I never thought of it that way....hmm.
I got an idea for my tank now :drool:
There is a local reef club in your area

I would sell it personally

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