Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

Fish that ARE money pits? Discus,Neon and Cardinals ( smaller pit) Pacu- they dont die and as they become pets? You long to go to mega size tanks. Arowana's..they jump out. No matter how large and happy they seem..you will start to hear them smack the cover when the lights are out. One day,you see them dead on the floor.
Lion headed Goldfish...those "hoods" are a real problem to keep tumors out of. They are so beautiful but never seem to thrive indoors.
Ropefish. The kings of escape. Says it all. So exotic looking too..but they will spend all day planning the great escape out of normal aquariums.
Marine fish,corals. Nothing new there. It takes big money to say that the fish you point out is 8 years old. No plain setup will do.
All Black Angelfish. Another that you would think is easy..and yet they get every problem there is. What a difference between them and Marbles- THOSE are very hardy.
Agree 100% on the neons. I buy a group of 12, within 6 months I’ve got 5. They’re so darn sensitive. I’ve got a heater, a filter, and a jungle of a tank. Still, the count is never the same
Monster fish keepers? Could one of them keep live plants,driftwood and gravel to make something that resembles nature? I know all their arguments..well,there are big predatory fish that wont touch plants- and yet,they are even more comfortable with them. Arowana and Clown Knives come to mind. Snakeheads another. Lots of others. Maybe Peacock Bass also. They have mouths for swallowing not digging.
Its like you can know Monster fish- but not plants,or they know plants and not monster fish.
Wild neons are indestructible. Truly. They are really tough fish.

Farmed ones seem really fragile. I find it so odd that cardinals are easier to keep now. That wasn't always the case.
MD posted a vid today of why he does not keep large fish. Because you can't make a naturalistic aquarium for a four foot Arowana unless that aquarium is half the size of a house. I learned that long ago.
One commenter called most monster fish keeping inhumane. It does start to feel that way as those large fish can barely turn around.
Another said that the problem with big fish is they liver forever tying up a big aquarium for 10 years with no changes. Small fish he says in planted natural aquariums die off around the two year mark or less,meaning you can buy new fish keeping the hobby fresh.
I've tried all ways..and for me not too small but not large fish work best. No matter how well I think a large fish would do...I don't want to see it swim in circles,or slam the tanks glass with every fast move a visitor makes. On the other hand,I can tell you nano fish in 240 gallons of plants are hard to see. Plus,unlike public aquariums I don't want to spend $400 for 70 small fish..that will be half that number or less in a year. Money pit!
Sometimes you just don't mind if algae is on the glass,plants need trimming and the water level has gone down an inch. Why? Because when you do go over the aquarium and top it off..by the next day it looks like a million dollars. I know,it's naughty when these days people do have perfect looking aquariums all the time. Still...
oK.. I notice that famous monster fish keepers on youtube are posting vids of fish that are dying on them and the one thing I see that stands out? Those fish are not well fed. I think this whole "Predatory" or very big fish fad is ok if you have the room. Except,they admit that they just feed those fish ONCE A WEEK. Yeah,I seen that a few times over the last couple of years. One of the worst said he travels and his giant fish in a five thousand gallon ( or larger) have to go THREE weeks with no food. After admitting that he talked of how his giant catfishes ate all the Oscars he had and the Metynnis.
If you want to keep giant fish- spend the money on food..
Public aquaria will do that too. I saw the Atlanta aquarium video and the fish were emaciated in the vids..just like concentration camp memberships.
Agree 100% on the neons. I buy a group of 12, within 6 months I’ve got 5. They’re so darn sensitive. I’ve got a heater, a filter, and a jungle of a tank. Still, the count is never the same
Omg the same with guppies! They are not the strongest of fish and get sick so easily. Still love 'em though.
OK, here's an unpopular opinion that Stan's post got me thinking about: If you're going to keep piscivorous fish (which I don't recommend for many of the reasons Stan mentions), it is cruel NOT to feed them live fish. Predators need to predate; it's their natural behavior. Whether that's cruel to the feeders is another discussion, I suppose. :)
Also not a fan of neon tetras! They fin nip and die, and always come with diseases I feel like.

My unpopular opinion- Nerite snails are the worst.
Also not a fan of neon tetras! They fin nip and die, and always come with diseases I feel like.

My unpopular opinion- Nerite snails are the worst.
Nerite snails are fine...but the little white eggs they leave everywhere are the worst. :lol:
Unpopular opinion: ocellaris clownfish need at least a 20g long for a pair, not a 10g or 15g as some YouTubers and articles suggest. After having a pair for around 8 months now, they definitely need more room than is usually recommended.

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