Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

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Dead from the neck up.
If neons are mean little turds, then Barbs are the most generous little lads ands lasses, especially when alone.
My cherry barbs are perfect citizens.

My neon tetras i had were nasty little devils who ripped fins off one another, ripped fins off my other fish, and ripped the fans off my bamboo shrimp.
And it wasn't anything to do with keeping too few as I had a school of 10
My neons were always nice and kept a pretty low profile. Maybe the two angels in the tank had something to do with that.
I dont have angelfish lol

The other tankmates were a dwarf honey gourami hybrid (who was also attacked by the neons), black neon tetras, corydoras, kuhli loaches, and Farlowella twig cats. Only ones visibly attacking others were the neons.
I rehomed the neons and magic, everyone gets along again and no more shredded fins
Black neons are really under-rated. So are lemon tetras. And red laser rainbows. And pentazona barbs. And panda garra (you all knew I was going to say that, didn't you?). If the world made any sense, we'd be seeing these fish all the time.

Bettas are really over-rated. So are dwarf gouramis. And goldfish. And (yes) neons. And plecos (all kinds). And fancy guppies. All these fish are fine and have their place, but their ubiquity is a bit crazy. If the world made sense, pet stores wouldn't constantly be pushing them at us.

Then there are Chinese algae eaters, bala sharks, tinfoil barbs, common plecos, and all the others that have no business in any normal sized or stocked tank. If the world made any sense, these would only available through special order.

But of course, the world doesn't really make much sense, does it?
Bettas are really over-rated. So are dwarf gouramis. And goldfish. And (yes) neons. And plecos (all kinds). And fancy guppies. All these fish are fine and have their place, but their ubiquity is a bit crazy. If the world made sense, pet stores wouldn't constantly be pushing them at us.
Agree with all of these. (except plecos, how dare you ;))
Then there are Chinese algae eaters, bala sharks, tinfoil barbs, common plecos, and all the others that have no business in any normal sized or stocked tank. If the world made any sense, these would only available through special order.
Agree yet again. And seeing arowana and red tailed cats readily available at my LFS is always a big let down.
Black neons are really under-rated. So are lemon tetras. And red laser rainbows. And pentazona barbs. And panda garra (you all knew I was going to say that, didn't you?). If the world made any sense, we'd be seeing these fish all the time.

Bettas are really over-rated. So are dwarf gouramis. And goldfish. And (yes) neons. And plecos (all kinds). And fancy guppies. All these fish are fine and have their place, but their ubiquity is a bit crazy. If the world made sense, pet stores wouldn't constantly be pushing them at us.

Then there are Chinese algae eaters, bala sharks, tinfoil barbs, common plecos, and all the others that have no business in any normal sized or stocked tank. If the world made any sense, these would only available through special order.

But of course, the world doesn't really make much sense, does it?
Not my precious Snowflake

Though he is gonna grow big, but im okay with that, he will get a tank built around him.

Now its common plecos who need to get out of the hobby. Beautiful, but not good cleaners and get ridiculously big for most tanks and most people buying fish for their kids aren't gonna go and buy a 200+ gallon tank for them

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