Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

All male bettas need to be on their own, and not kept with any other fish..
But, but, how would they be bred? :p

This has become a common view, and while male Bettas do very well on their own and need no company, with well chosen tankmates, they thrive too. They simply don't care about many other fish, and as long as no one bothers them, well chosen non nippy tankmates are good. But so is a solo tank, as it trains you to accept one species one tank so that when you decide to go for "real", natural fish, you can get killies!

Then killies become a gateway fish for wine Bettas and licorice gouramis, which bring you back around to killies. Then, fishkeeping life is complete.
angelfish are awesome.


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It would be cool to use a Coke can for a group of Coolie loaches....
A coke can would be a good way to catch Kuhli loaches in the wild. They can easily congregate in the "safety" of the can (especially if there is something tasty for them to eat inside), and then the aquarist can pull out a good group in one fell swoop.
Call me evil, but with my grade 9 classes, I had a small file of incredibly catchy earworms in a playlist on my computer. When the students got too far out of line early in the year, and didn't listen, I would say nothing and play one loudly. By the end of the 3rd week of school, if I said "let's listen to a song I found", my classes would settle right down, after begging me not to hit "play".
alright, everyone gets to share unpopular opinions they have. Fish related.

I'll start.

Neon tetras are mean little turds.
Nerite snails are annoying because they leave unviable eggs EVERYWHERE I have to pick off every week.

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