Unpopular Opinions (fish related)


  • 20221019_085824.jpg
    168.3 KB · Views: 48
Oh but I love Oscars! They are my favourite fish. But my tank is 60l.
I like them because they are like aquatic dogs. They are also just soooo beautiful!

Problem is, I like all fish, so I don't really have a favourite.
Unpopular Opinion? African Cichlids will eat my Black skirt Tetras.
That's not an opinion, but an unhappy observation, if the African Cichlids you're talking about are from Lake Malawi. But they actually won't eat them as much as they'll kill them to get them out of their territories. There are many African Cichlids that are peaceful, but not the ones from that one lake in a massive continent. A lot of African river Cichlids would be just fine with them.
That's not an opinion, but an unhappy observation, if the African Cichlids you're talking about are from Lake Malawi. But they actually won't eat them as much as they'll kill them to get them out of their territories. There are many African Cichlids that are peaceful, but not the ones from that one lake in a massive continent. A lot of African river Cichlids would be just fine with them.
Watching guppies swim is like watching somebody trying to swim with a wedding dress on.
Actually goes for any unnaturally long finned fish.
Gives me anxiety.😬

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