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I sort of have to agree as Betta SEEM easy. I mean they sell them in little cups of water. Unfortunately few tend to live long due to people thinking that you can just throw them in a bowl of water all is good.
Mhm I had my first betta or 7 years and normally they live to 2-3 but they can live to 5 or even 7 I guess with luck and some care
Y’all really set your self up for some heavy debates *grabs popcorn* let’s go! This is why I love forums like this 😆

Here is my lil add on to this
Betta are not beginners pets
I hate it when websites say they are
There let’s see who agrees
I had bettas as a beginner fish... they were pretty ok till my uncle decided he would put them together. Didn't end well.
Siamese Fighting Fish/Betta are certainly not beginner fish for a variety of reasons

They are sold as community fish, when infact they rarely tolerate anyone invading their territory (which is usually the entire aquarium). They may start off as docile little creatures but once the body language such as cloaking food with their finnage, tankmates hiding away even at feed time and the Betta making a snapping motion when other fish swim past too close, starts then it is only a matter of time before the Betta decides enough is enough and will attack.

The worst fish to place with Betta...despite what that friendly salesperson said in the shop...any fish with flowing fins/tails and another Betta. The issue is that a Betta does not distinguish tween species like a human can, all they see is fish in their territory with flowing things....red rag to a bull....Siamese Fighting Fish did not get that name for no reason. Having seen them fight in Thailand and Laos myself, it really is NOT pretty. They are vicious little demons.

They do not tolerate being in an uncycled or in-cycle aquarium either.

My biggest thing is the genetic modification and interbreeding to get the extra long finnage & tails. I hate it with a vengeance. The fish struggle to cope with all that excess stuff on them, it often leads to self harm (they bite their finnage/tails) which leads to stress and fin rot and eventual death. It is not fair on the fish. It is a cruel trade perpetuated by the buying public that allow breeders to push the envelope further and further away from their natural state.

(I adopted a Betta as of yesterday due to its owner's failing health, he is a short finned Betta, beautiful little fellow.....BUT....I personally feel Betta should be banned from sale on cruelty in breeding practice reasons.)
had 10 and they constantly fought with one another, nipped each others fins, and even bit one of the face off one of them. Nothing but conflicts with them and they've started going after my other fish in the tank too, so I ended up rehoming all 10 lol

Theyre meaner than my skirt tetras and cherry barbs combined haha
I had 6 and they fit nipped eachother and fought so much they all ended up dying. I thought something was wrong on my end so I switched some things around, bought 6 more, and 2 of them fought so much they died. I still have 4 sticking around
Ok, my turn.... Neon or brightly colored gravel and plants are hideous and should be banned from the Pet Trade!!
Sorry if you have Pink, Orange, or Purple gravel and plants, and I have offended you...
Actually, no, not sorry!! Lol... Gravel and plants should look natural, and not be Techno Colors!!
Phew, I feel so much better getting that off my chest!!! :p :D
I think if the entire aquarium had neon or colored gravel then it’s too much but I don’t have if it’s SOME color with black or white gravel/sand
If I ever get my own Aquarium YouTube channel?
I will NEVER wear a black T shirt or black T-shirt with black shorts.
I will NEVER grow a VanDyke or Taliban style beards.
I will NEVER get tats..that are not about fish.
I promise.
If I ever get my own Aquarium YouTube channel?
I will NEVER wear a black T shirt or black T-shirt with black shorts.
I will NEVER grow a VanDyke or Taliban style beards.
I will NEVER get tats..that are not about fish.
I promise.
None of that made sense
Maybe he just dosnt like the channel?
Well the things he is complaining about dont seem like valid complaints. Just aimless rambling. If he was saying that cycling is a myth and you dont need plants for startung a tabk then I would be worried. But thats all looks of the person. I see prejudices out of the complaints is all.
Nah,just tired of the look and look alike sameness. Car channels are the same. Usually it takes the president or ceo of the company to NOT look like that.
There is a channel where some young dude claims to be catching all kinds of wild aquarium fish in south Florida. Maybe one comment in 200 hundred calls the fish "planted for content" and he would be right. I can not believe the number of people who believe he's catching blue Platys and Hillstream loaches in some culvert. Same for the Asian guys channel who started the trend catching red Arowanas in drainage ditches.
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There is a channel where some young dude claims to be catching all kinds of wild aquarium fish in south Florida. Maybe one comment in 200 hundred calls the fish "planted for content" and he would be right. I can not believe the number of people who believe he's catching blue Platys and Hillstream loaches in some culvert. Same for the Asian guy who started the trend catching red Arowanas in drainage ditches.
Actually while some people do "plant for content" I wouldnt be surprised if there were invasive tropical fish species in FL such as hilstream loaches and mollies.... But they definitely could be planted there for views.

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