Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

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The longer I am in the smaller fish and plant keeping? I'm not liking Monster fish keeper vids unless A. They are in aquariums of thousands of gallons and B. If happy in groups- kept in them.
One thing I just glaze over and click on to new vids are the guys who build large aquariums and its onesies of fish from all different areas and not even the same habitat. The lack of decor is also a real turn off. It's almost painful to see the big cats hating the lighting with no logs for them to hide in.
Dang- if you have an aquarium that size why not make it look natural? But they scream fish police at you. No..I've even done those same mistakes. They were mistakes.
Here's one that drove two aquatic plant boards out of their minds: I like the look of a dark green gravel in aquariums and I could see that as a substitute for "ground cover" plants that usually need highlight and all the rest. But,with a thin layer of green gravel in front and healthy plants behind,some nice rockwork with some twisty roots would look very nice.
They wanted to shout me down on that. On that. So unpopular they wanted to jump off buildings. :fish: You think that's funny? I had a guy in UKAPS actually post I was ruining his fun in the hobby because I said water changes ( in general for everybody) were overdone. THEN,he said he would wipe the floor with me!. UKAPS patted him on the back.

Black knives are too weird and they grow to slow and get to big I don't like them....
I love how they move, and as far as slow growing, can't really speak to that as mine is an absolute hog. I bought him at 2" long and in a year he was 15". He also comes out and swims about in the "day" lights. He is kind of a weirdo:wub:.
Housing turtles with fish isn't as problematic as the vast majority of hobbyist would say, it's matter of bad PR because of sliders, cooters, and the like.
Black knives are too weird and they grow to slow and get to big I don't like them....
If I ever got one I would setup a system to detect the electric field they generate, and display it on some sort of graphical device, computer screen, LEDs what have you, would be great discussion point when talking with my grandson. Weird is great! But unfortunately you are correct in that they grow large and need a wide tank just to turn, I wouldn't have the heart to keep them in my tanks they are too small.
My mom hated our pleco! She be up late at night alone reading, sitting at the table across from our tank. The pleco would shoot across the tank and scare the poop out of her. Apparently he would do it over and over, scaring her each time. She took to reading in another room he bothered her so badly.
alright, everyone gets to share unpopular opinions they have. Fish related.

I'll start.

Neon tetras are mean little turds.
I found that out after buying 4 of them. It was my first experience with an aquarium. They are still going strong. I think I have 2 females and 2 males but not sure
Ok,two of the better youtube hosts? Showed their latest and I was shocked. Co-op's 800 gallon was not just cloudy water and algae filled, it also had like 50 Rosy barbs looking like goldfish. That aquarium cost $16,000. I felt sorry for the big MBU puffer because that aquarium had no flow in it. Just filtered by canisters and Co2. My analysis is that it is woefully under filtered and that big puffer being fed whole clams means they need a real beefy pump moving thousands of GPH and either a sand filter or large sump. Not Fluval cannisters.
The other was Bentley Pascoe who did a tour of his planted aquariums. It was like Bentley- who I like- was blind to the rotting leaves, algae, and water drips all over the glass. BBA was everywhere even the front glass.
Makes me wonder if once you get settled in as a youtuber..upkeep seems to slip. In fact I could go on with some youtubers who show their aquariums and ...the ratty look they are blind to.
Funny thing is ? King of diy at least knows filters very well even if fish keeping itself seems sort of new to him.

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