Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

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I hate the wild caught vids. They do the opposite for me. Its like- put them back! At least my rainbows have only known my aquarium. Yes,I probably would buy a wild caught fish again one day. So far,mine are breeder or farm raised fish. Doing them the best I can.
Umm ok ill post one of mine I guess

I sometimes think wild-caught fish is ok in certain situations, in lots of places where fish are wild court the area is rather poor. Allowing wild court permits and regulating the catch can provide income to people that have very few other options. Also, in any case, the options for work that these people have other than wild catching off fish are even more environmentally damaging. I'll give a saltwater example, in part of Thailand there was mass bomb and cyanide fishing this destroyed huge parts of the reef and was a big problem. After people started catching fish from the reef for the hobby the cases of these fishing practices decreased. Also, local people cared more about protecting teh reef as teh reef directly provided them with income teh healthier the reef the more fish to catch. This has allowed the reef to recover as people are unwilling to overfish because if a species goes extinct in their area then they lose the money from that export. This can also apply to freshwater, If people are allowed under permit to catch fish then things like mass deforestation and exploitative fish can decrease.
Also many fish like cardinal tetras come from seasonally flooding forests, so these fish would die anyway due to the decrease of water.
Don't get me wrong I don't think we should go out and catch everything and if we can breed it in captivity then that is better and I think we should focus more on that to have healthy captive breed fish. But I think wild court fish are far more multidimensional than people think it not just some people taking all the fish out of the river for profit, there are benefits as well.
Overfishing can become a problem as we see in pea puffers but there are a few cases where there are real positives
Local collectors have a vested interest in the sustainability of the species they collect. As you mentioned, it also presents an opportunity to make a living without resorting to habitat destruction from slash and burn agriculture, logging, mining, etc. This is why I always go for wild caught. The marine trade might be a different story. In the USA there are currently proposed amendments to the Lacey Act which is a conservation law that governs the sale of animals in the trade. It may become a lot more prohibitive, dramatically reducing the number of species that can be sold.
I see a Mick in the UK on youtube who has Red Arowana. I thought the UK was part of CITES?
Here's three that if you say on a plant board? They will ban you for that. No profanity ,no threats but yes ban you.
1. If you have a planted tank with a light fish load,you might not need to make water changes for weeks,months or more. UKAPS Banned me for saying that despite photos of my aquarium,youtube professionals and 'scaper vids doing what I said.
2. WHY would you pay big money for driftwood and then just cover it totally in plants,mosses? I mean you cant even see the color or grain in the wood any longer. UKAPS and one other board deleted that topic!
3. I posted on The Planted Tank I think it was, a video of the Guppy stream in Austria. Its a 1,000 foot long "stream" that is heated waste water from a coal plant and nothing natural. Its not a natural spring with pupfish that's for sure. So I explained how unique that is...the Mod their banned me "For promoting releasing non natives" what?? There is zero chance guppies and platys will leave that creek and move in with the trout and ice cold water fish that are native.
UKAPS deleted every post I made,but get this ? THEY LIKE THE GUPPYSTREAM POST!"..how ironic one board got hot and bothered over Guppystream and the members of UKAP were fine with that.
Every one of those boards said it was "trolling".hey I been at this 50 years,I just post what I do and then add vids that back it up. Plus,I only have one indoor aquarium so the vids help me make my point.
Dr. Kevin Novak said on one of his newer vids "Post a different view on Aquarium boards and they will beat you up". He said it perfect.
Here's three that if you say on a plant board? They will ban you for that. No profanity ,no threats but yes ban you.
1. If you have a planted tank with a light fish load,you might not need to make water changes for weeks,months or more. UKAPS Banned me for saying that despite photos of my aquarium,youtube professionals and 'scaper vids doing what I said.
2. WHY would you pay big money for driftwood and then just cover it totally in plants,mosses? I mean you cant even see the color or grain in the wood any longer. UKAPS and one other board deleted that topic!
3. I posted on The Planted Tank I think it was, a video of the Guppy stream in Austria. Its a 1,000 foot long "stream" that is heated waste water from a coal plant and nothing natural. Its not a natural spring with pupfish that's for sure. So I explained how unique that is...the Mod their banned me "For promoting releasing non natives" what?? There is zero chance guppies and platys will leave that creek and move in with the trout and ice cold water fish that are native.
UKAPS deleted every post I made,but get this ? THEY LIKE THE GUPPYSTREAM POST!"..how ironic one board got hot and bothered over Guppystream and the members of UKAP were fine with that.
Every one of those boards said it was "trolling".hey I been at this 50 years,I just post what I do and then add vids that back it up. Plus,I only have one indoor aquarium so the vids help me make my point.
Dr. Kevin Novak said on one of his newer vids "Post a different view on Aquarium boards and they will beat you up". He said it perfect.
Stan, sounds like those forums were not a good place for you, and I hope you've found a fishy home here at TFF.
Barr aquarium plant forum has blocked me. Like a poster here said "When the boards experts start saying they know the science is when trouble starts". "We know the science" Sounds familiar.
Funny but on youtube a guy deconstructs Barrs scientific formula for plant nutrition. So far,it's been the aquarium PLANT boards that won't even listen to another version of low tech. Most of them you notice like people who want to make it as complicated as possible as some sort of secret realm of aquarium keeping.
UKAPS is owned by George Farmer who has said many times he sticks with easy to keep plants and has a few low tech plant aquariums. I guess his mods would ban him.:banana::vote:
btw. I said nothing profane,made no threats, did no bullying. Just my opinions and photos. I started keeping aquariums near 30 years before the internet even existed. Nobody saw my fish but people who visited and that was fine for me.
So for me to get bullied or beat up- than blocked by those "experts" only merits a bit of bother.
Next fish/plant question!
Also- after the funny post about let it go? Barr forum went out of their way to block the next day. Since its aquarium plant forums that get all pretentious on me,I think its almost a religion they have that doesn't suit me. Hasnt for 50 years of growing aquarium plants! :teacher:
Also- after the funny post about let it go? Barr forum went out of their way to block the next day. Since its aquarium plant forums that get all pretentious on me,I think its almost a religion they have that doesn't suit me. Hasnt for 50 years of growing aquarium plants! :teacher:
Aquatic plants are weeds they just grow, give them some fish poo and away they go. It isn't hard really. I have never understood Fertilizers or CO2 for aquariums doesn't make any since to me.
Aquatic plants are weeds they just grow, give them some fish poo and away they go. It isn't hard really. I have never understood Fertilizers or CO2 for aquariums doesn't make any since to me.
I agree in theory, but sometimes I have a tank where the fish poo doesn't seem to completely get the job done. I especially notice it with amazon swords, when I have a lot of them. I suspect they're just extreme nutrient hogs. Most plants seem to do fine on a fish-waste diet, though.
Iron and Potassium are good to add. But I don't see the need for Tom Barr's 18 ingredients and if you do,how crazy to then drain half that out per week..and of course then add more? I think I offended some companies with my posts of truth. I would need my own dotcom I guess.
Just think banned for not being profane,putdownsish..making some threat. No,I just said I found draining all that water out per week made no sense. I guess polluting local waters with all that fertilizer doesn't bother a group who also pump Co2 into the air!
Oh,I forgot- they claim THEIR Co2 is not the Co2 warming the planet. Sure.

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