Unknown Fish


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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Hi all i hope you can help me im new here and didnt know where to put this question, so here goes.... my wife bought me some fish and we dont know what they are. could you please help, i have attatched two links to the photos... thanks in advance.. BTWi know the black one in the photo is a molly, lol, its the other two in the pic



[Mod Edit] Fixed link to second picture. LL.
Hi. The other 2 fish are killifish. They look like a type of fundulopanchax Gardneri. These come in a few different varieties, depending on where they were originally found, but they all look fairly similar. I hope this helps.
The "black fish" at the back is a Platy as mentioned.

The first picture could easily be F. gardneri, there are a large number of these Killies that look alike.

The second picture was not showing, I've fixed the link. This is Tateurndina ocellicauda, called variously a "Peacock Goby", "Spotted Sleeper Goby", "Eye-Spot Goby" and so on.

I'll move the thread to Oddballs where they know these fish better.
second photo is a peacock goby
i got 4 of them and they are lovely.
The Killifish in the first photo are most definately Aphyosemion striatum. (2 Males)
thankyou all very much, cant wait to tell her, i was looking for them for ages and now i know the name they are popping up all over the place lol thankyou so much,
BigC: could you please tell me how you know they are males... thanks in advance
You can tell the killies are male as they are colourful whereas females are generally, pale, brownish in colour.
BigC: could you please tell me how you know they are males
I've been keeping, breeding and showing Killifish for over 25 years now of which I have bred Aph. striatum on many occasions, I am a member of the British Killifish Association (BKA), the American Killifish Association (AKA) and the Scandinavian Killifish Association (SKS), believe me when I say they are Aphyosemion striatum males, the females of almost all killifish are drab by comparison to their male counterparts. See pic.
Although a very bad picture, the female is the fish above the male.
BigC: could you please tell me how you know they are males
I've been keeping, breeding and showing Killifish for over 25 years now of which I have bred Aph. striatum on many occasions, I am a member of the British Killifish Association (BKA), the American Killifish Association (AKA) and the Scandinavian Killifish Association (SKS), believe me when I say they are Aphyosemion striatum males, the females of almost all killifish are drab by comparison to their male counterparts. See pic.
Although a very bad picture, the female is the fish above the male.
where did ur wife get those killis because i ve been looking everywhere for them

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