Unknown Death

Feces are normal, and I don't see any worms in his anal area or when I shine a flashlight on him. :dunno:
Gamma. I'd be honoured if you named one after him. :wub: He's in my avatar.

I appreciate all the help you gave me jkun. :nod:

What really gets to me is that I don't know the cause of death. :/
Gamma... alright. As soon as some of my fry start looking like half-moons I'll name one of the heartier ones Gamma ;)

I'll put up a thread with a picture as soon as he's ready to be photographed :)
Here are the pics that I was going to put up. I couldn't manage to upload them before. :dunno:

These were taken a few hours before he died. He looked normal to me, aside from the clamped fins...


I haven't noticed any more problems with my fish in the winter than in the summer. -_-

I measured my pH after reading Sorrell's post, but it's the same as always (6.6).
Just so you know, here are some pics of the parents of my future spawn and Gamma II


Sun Shine (Male Halfmoon)


Tangerine (Female Halfmoon)
That's very much what my betta looks like now, except mines more pale... he's still hanging on but I don't know for how long...

What's happening to all the bettas...!?
Aw, thanks GuppyDude. :)

It may have been a parasitic infection, but he died so suddenly. One day he was flaring & generally looking healthy, and the next he was dead. I guess he could have been sick before but not showing any symptoms...? -_-
I'm sorry to hear about Gamma, he was so pretty :(

I noticed those red spots on him, has he always had them?? Isn't there a sickness that shows up like red blood spots or am I just imagining??

:rip: Gamma :-(

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