Unknown Death


Mar 23, 2003
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I have no clue as to what's wrong with one of my males...

Last week was kind of hectic, so I only did one water change (60%) on the 2.5g that he is in. Yesterday I switched the heater that was in the tank for a new one, but the temperature stayed the same.

This morning he was laying on the gravel, so I did a 50% water change. I only topped up the tank a bit so he would have less trouble going up for air. I added IAL to all the betta tanks last night, but none of the other bettas are acting differently.

Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are all 0ppm (new tank, but the gravel was taken from an established one).

Any ideas? :/
He's on his side. He comes up for air really frequently (for him, at least)- every 30 seconds or so.
Add some stress zyme and some bettamax i think...that might help.
Dunno...its just a suggestion :/
Sounds like he is starting to feel bad for sure. Have you fed any thing different lately, such as freeze dried foods, or a new frozen food?
I've been feeding more frozen than usual, but no new foods (Hikari frozen brine shimp + bloodworms and TetraMin pellets is what I always feed them).

I added some salt a little while ago, no changes yet.
Any idea how old it is? Is it's fins clamped, or does it seem normal in that way? With it going for air much more often than it normally does, it sounds like the gills are affected.
My first thoughts are parasites from the food. Even the very best frozen food companys have them occasionally. It could be the start of something else. Hard to know without knowing the past history of things. Keep an eye on it. If I really thought it was sick, and couldn't diagnose from the symptoms, I'd do a salt bath and then use Quickcure next if it didn't straighten up. Don't wait too long. If it is sick, it will lose strength fast.
He was born Jan. 04. His fins are a bit clamped when he's lying on the gravel, but they seem ok when he goes up for air.

His condition hasn't changed overnight. I'll do a complete water change and put him in a salt bath and see how it goes.

Isn't Quickcure for treating ich? He doesn't look like he's got ich.

Thanks for the help. :)
sry to reply for you f250.... i belive quick cure is a general porpious paracite killer.....and i wold agree thats your best bet if it is some kind of paracite....
He definitely doesn't have swimbladder disorder.

When I got home today, he was still lying down. His eyes may be a tiny bit bulgier than normal (they're always pretty big, so it's hard to tell) and they're cloudy (not white though). -_-

I've got Clout (for visible parasites inc. ich) and Super Ick Cure... could I use either of those instead of Quickcure?

I've got pics of him that I'll upload in a second.
I think tonight will be his last night. He's still lying there, rocking gently from side to side. :-(

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