United States Fish Store Directory

State: New Hampshire
City: Salem
Store: Sea World Pet and Aquarium Center

My review of the same store:

Variety/Selection: Only refer to FW as that's all I deal with - 7 - nothing too odd, but large variety of common species
Cleanliness/Quality: 6 - Lots of dead fish, staff appears too busy to deal with the mess
Knowledge & Friendliness: Manager of FW department, she's an 8.5 / Other staff, 6, if you can get them to talk to you

City: Rockland
Store: Hollydach's Pet Center

Variety/Selection: 4 - nothing great
Cleanliness/Quality: 8 - I've never seen dead fish in the tanks, and appear mostly healthy
Staff knowledge and friendliness: 7 - they're more arrogant than knowledgable in my opinion

City: Belfast
Store: Foster's Family Pet Center

Variety/Selection: 9 - some interesting FW species
Cleanliness/Quality: 4 - the store has been stripped of it's rights to sell cats & dogs due to abuse, the tanks are dirty
Staff Knowledge & Friendliness: 4 They know NOTHING, and readily tell customers that, though they're very polite and friendly, ironic?

City: Augusta
Store: Petco

Variety/Selection: 8 - some neat oddballs and not over ridden with commons
Cleanliness/Quality: It seems clean and well cared for, I haven't bought anything live from them
Staff Knowledge/Friendliness: The department manager is the only one I've met - she gets a 9. She was very knowledgable and friendly, but limited on certain product information.

qwikimpss also reccomended in a later post Vance's Tropical Fish in Bucksport Maine.
I took the referal and called Vance himself. Great guy to talk to, seems incredibly knowledgeable and I'll be planning a trip there (it's almost 2 hours from me) in the comming weeks as once of my tanks goes empty, thanks for the referal, I can't wait to see the store!
State: Alabama
City: Mobile
Store: B&B Pet Stop

Variety/ Selection: 8
Cleanliness and Quality: 9
Staff Friendlyness and Knowledge: 8
Similey rating: :thumbs:

They have an amazing selection of freshwater and saltwater fish, live rock, and basically everything you could ever need. They're a bit overpriced, but not too badly, and that's just because they're not a chain. All their fish are healthy and colorful - that thing people are always talking about, how fish don't have their natural color in the store cause they're stressed? Doesn't apply to this place. I've never seen a stressed fish, and only once have I seen a dead one.

State: Alabama
City: Mobile
Store: Petsmart

Variety/ Selection: 5
Cleanliness and Quality: 6
Staff Friendlyness and Knowledge: 6
Similey rating: -_-

State: Alabama
City: Mobile
Store: Pet Supplies Plus

Variety/ Selection: 2
Cleanliness and Quality: 2
Staff Friendlyness and Knowledge: 0
Similey rating: :X

Basically : they have a fish department just to say it's there. They don't even have people that work in the fish department. At least, none that I've ever seen. Their fish are in terrible conditions and they know absolutely nothing about them. I went in to look at their bettas once, and the bettas were being kept in those tiny cups - without lids! - and they all had either fin rot, dropsy, or some kind of fungus. I pointed this out to someone, and they shrugged and said, "They always look like that."
state: Washington

City Seattle (and its environs)

the best and cleanest and well stocked fish store I have come across is Denny's in Kirkland (yes, i know not exactly Seattle but very close).

however in South Seattle (in White Center actually) there is the B&D, good selection, knowledgeable, and yes stinky and kinda scary but I have bought many many fresh water fish and never a sick or even sickly one.

seems I am the first Seattle or even Washington poster... could i be the only Northwest person here?
State: New York
City: Niagara Falls
Store: Blackwinds

Variety/ Selection: 5
Cleanliness and quality: 2
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 5
Smiley rating: :angry:

Fish have ich. Staff slow to help you, and give wrong info

State: New York
City: North Tonawanda
Store: The fish Place

Variety/ Selection: 10+++
Cleanliness and quality: 9
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 10
Smiley rating: :shifty: :hyper: :good:

Love the variety and info from employees.

State: New York
City: Lockport
Store: Pets Plus

Variety/ Selection: 7 (not alot of fresh water fish)
Cleanliness and quality: 8
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 8
Smiley rating: :blink:

Store has quite a variety, but mostly saltwater
State: IL

City: Chicago

Store: Old Town Aquarium

Variety/Selection: 9 for such a small store the have alot of cool fish, half SW and half FW

Cleanliness and Quality: 9 The tanks look amazing and are nicely aquascaped. the fish all look healthy and happy. i did see a dead puffer but do fish die.

Staff friendliness and knowledge: 9

Comments: It is now my favorite fish store in my area. they have alot of fish including oddballs like fire eels and stingrays but they also have easy to find fish for good prices
State: New York
City: Glens Falls
Store: Wal-Mart

Variety/Selection: 10
Cleanliness and quality:1
Staff Friendliness and Knowledge:3
Smiley Rating: :<

ppl at Wal-Mart have the poorest quality fish, and they keep betta in TEENY TINY CUPS! THATS JUST CRUEL! THEY HAVE MANY FISH BUT THEY DONT KNO HOW TAKE CARE OF THEM! WAL-MART, GET A CLUE! SELL UR FISH TO A LOVING FISH STORE! -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
This is my previous post. Just updating that this store is going out of business on May 23rd. It is very sad because they are the only place around that sells things I need like amano shrimp and SAE's. They were amazing people with an amazing business.

State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Store: All Oddball Aquatics

Variety/ Selection: 10
Cleanliness and quality: 10
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 10
Smiley rating: :D

Here's his website. It's not the best site ever, but the store is great. Nobody pressures you to buy anything. Eric actually suggested that I don't buy Eco-Complete and suggested a much cheaper alternative. We talked about planted tanks for a while, and he offered to take some of a plant from a display tank and give it to me! I should ask him to check out his fish room. The upstairs is pretty big. My great aunt used to own a pet shop there, but when her husband died, she sold everything, and he moved in!

This store didn't close, some friends/customers of Eric's have bought the store and are now running it under the new name of "A&B Oddball Pets and Aquariums". They have started selling reptiles and are planning on setting up some saltwater in the future as well. They are still offering a good range of fish, and bought a lot of Eric's stock off of him so the quality is much the same. The new owners are very friendly and seem to know their stuff although I didn't get a chance to get to know them like I did with Eric. The store manager under Eric, Tim Gross, is still there.

If you're in the area I think it's definitely worth your while to check them out. As a new store they could really use the support of the community.

All Oddball Aquatics is still owned by Eric, but he sells mostly through Aquabid and to breeders. His website is horribly out of date and has no stock list, but his email is still current so if you're interested, you can contact him that way.
State: Florida

City: Orlando (Winter Park)
Store: Ocean Blue

Variety/Selection: 6
Cleanliness and Quality: 7
Staff friendliness: 5
Staff knowledge: 6
Smiley rating: :)

A fresh and saltwater store Ocean Blue is an interesting LFS. Their livestock selection is average, if its common and popular they have it. Occasionally you will get luck and score an oddball but not too often. They do have a huge number of corals for sale and liverock. The store is kept clean and so are the tanks. I've only see deaths in the neon/rummy nose tetra tank and few at that. Their equipment stocking is rather scattered, if you were starting a tank you could get almost everything you needed but there are going to be some key omissions like heaters or sinking foods. There's also no freshwater decor offered aside from substrate and live plants. Even if you like the shop you won't be able to avoid trips to the big superstores nearby to fill in the holes. The staff is personable and willing to help but not particularly interested in what you're doing. I've repeatedly bought two or three neons with little mention that they're schooling fish and seen other key questions not asked. The staff is hit or miss on the knowledge. Nothing that will get your fish killed but details like panicing when I said I had a sand substrate without inquiring what kind of sand. Overall its a run of the mill shop but it can't be a one stop LFS.

City: Orlando (Alafaya)
Store: Aquaria Studios

Variety/Selection: 7
Cleanliness and Quality: 9
Staff friendliness: 7
Staff knowledge: 7
Smiley rating: :D

Ocean Blue's sister store, Aquaria is a slight cut above Ocean Blue. The variety is increased slightly, all the old stand bys are present but the slightly larger space is used to have a few tanks with less commonly seen fish. The same comments about Ocean Blue's selection of equipment and supplies go here as well. You can get about 75% of the way to completion but will need to go to one of the supermarts to finish it off. The store itself is immaculate and the tanks are well maintained. The staff is friendly and eager to help but much like at Ocean Blue they do not go the extra mile and ask the one question I'd love to hear and I think is important, "What kind of tank do you have?" The staff is knowledgeable and didn't go into cardiac arrest at the mention of a sand bottom. A very nice looking LFS but again not your one stop shop. Still, this is where I buy all my fish if possible.

City: Orlando (Alafaya, East 50, Fashion Square Mall)
Store: Petsmart

Variety/Selection: 8
Cleanliness and Quality: 7
Staff friendliness: 4
Staff knowledge: 5
Smiley rating: :)

Contrary to the stereotype in US aquarium forums my local Petsmarts are not hell holes where every fish is diseased and dying and the help will tell you a fancy goldfish is a great tank mate for a betta. My local Petsmarts are all freshwater only but their selection is top notch, not only offering many different kinds of fish but also different maturities of some of the larger varieties. Their biggest benefit in my book is a healthy variety of the hardware you need, tanks, heaters, filters, media, substrates, decor, air pumps and accessories they've got it all The tanks are clean but sparse and I saw no diseased fish but a handful of deaths. In 50+ tanks though a half dozen dead fish isn't awful. The staff is rather indifferent to your presence and has only a basic knowledge of fish keeping. These stores are great for buying hardware but make sure to check online before you go, in the stores a 100w visitherm stealth is $31.99, online it was $15.99, bring in a printout like that and they'll match the price no questions asked.

City: Orlando (Fashion Square Mall)
Store: Petco

Variety/Selection: 5
Cleanliness and Quality: 3
Staff friendliness: -
Staff knowledge: -
Smiley rating: :sick:

This is why chain stores get a bad rap. The store stocked only your common fish. Their hardware selection was poor with few of the large name brands and mostly Top Fin level brands. Their gear was tossed on the shelves with little to no organization and hadn't been cleaned up in a long time. The tanks themselves were a wreck, algea, dead diseased and dying fish, decor that had been thrashed and not repaired. I can't comment on the staff because I couldn't find them.
noahs ark
Variety/Selection: 10
Cleanliness and Quality: 10
Staff friendliness: 8
Staff knowledge: 9.5
Smiley rating: :good:

they have lots of fish marine, brackish, and freshwater they have the cleanest tanks i have ever seen and they can stand there and tell me every thing important about the fish they sell
Was out of town on business, so I hit a few of the ones in Genessee county. Couldn't find half of them listed in the phone book because of road construction, but the ones I did hit:

State: Michigan
City: Clio
Store: Something Fishy

Variety/Selection: 10
Cleanliness and Quality: 9
Staff friendliness: 8
Staff knowledge: 7
Smiley rating: :D

Overturns Scales and Tales as my favorite place, even without S&T's recent disease problems.

The place is huge. The first thing you see when you walk in is the biggest selection of corals I've ever seen - the tank is about ten feet long and that's just the display. Two large banks of marine fish, a lot of stuff I haven't even seen in my books. Only place I've ever seen with a distinctly labeled brackish section, and had an amazing selection in it, all in excellent health. Limited selection of everything that isn't alive. Staff knowledge isn't amazing, but they're a good cut above the LFS standard. They actually know a lot about the fish they sell - on prompting they could rattle off an impressive bit about compatibility, they gave reasonable tank size suggestions (I heard them actually saying an oscar would outgrow a 55 gallon - I don't think I've found a store that didn't say they would be fine in a 30 gallon), including SG ranges for their brackish selection. Their cycling advice is pretty decent, too - while not fishless, if you listen to them you'd at least have a fighting chance against new tank syndrome.

State: Michigan
City: Flint
Store: PetCo

I'm splitting the scores into three, since the wild differences in quality from one section to the next makes it impossible to put one number on it.
Variety/Selection: Freshwater: 2 Saltwater: 6 Bettas: 10
Cleanliness and Quality: Freshwater: 0! Saltwater: 8 Bettas: 5
Staff friendliness: 6
Staff knowledge: 0
Smiley rating: There isn't a sufficiently confused smiley.

Ok, this place is a whole mess. Their freshwater tanks are a travesty - dead, sick, dying fish, the place just doesn't smell healthy. The staff is lucky if they know which end of a fish eats, and while friendly it just means they throw their cluelessness at customers. The hardware section is pretty good, at least - slightly better than any of the PetSmart's in the area, and the prices are pretty good.

Their bettas are in rough shape, but the selection of bettas is immense - only place between the Tri-Counties or Genessee county that carries double tails or halfmoons, and has many amazing colors. If you want something other than a blue and red veiltail, this is the place, or the long drive to Lansing.

They recently added a saltwater section. I heard about this a few weeks ago and decided I'd check it out and see how bad it is. I was surprised that they actually take care of it. There's a guy who hovers around that section who actually knows something, and when I asked him questions about cycling marine tanks, I got advice on fishless cycling (A first in any store, period) using live rock. The selection and quality has nothing on Something Fishy, though they had a few fish that SF didn't, and their selection eclipses anything in the Tri-Counties, and is in better condition than Ocean Odyssey in Saginaw.

State: Michigan
City: Flint
Store: PetSmart

Variety/Selection: 5
Cleanliness and Quality: 5
Staff friendliness: 7
Staff knowledge: 2
Smiley rating: :/

Typical PetSmart. Vastly better than the PetCo in the next plaza over for freshwater fish, but that's not saying much. A bit better than Saginaw overall, a bit worse than Midland.

State: Michigan
City: Bay City
Store: Meijer (Wilder Road)

I'm not giving this one ratings, because their fish suck as much as any grocery store fish. However, the recently redid their pet section, and now they're actually one of the best places in the Tri-Cities to get plants. The other Meijer locations have plants as bad as their fish, but this location for some reason has plants on par with Acquatic Gardens in Zilwaukee, and actually better than any other LFS in the area. The selection is bigger, the plants are healthy, and there are no terrestrial plants mixed in, the closest thing is some plants that do best only partially submerged like banana plants. Only downside: Check for ramshorn snails, as their tanks are overrun with the things.
State: CA
City: South lake tahoe
Store: pet super market

Variety/ Selection: 5 Only have fresh water
Cleanliness and quality: 6
Staff friendliness and Knowledge: 4
Smiley rating: :huh:
I see lots of dead fish in the tanks and the kids there don't really know anything about fish. They need a staff that knows how to test water and care for fish.
State: CA
City: South lake tahoe
Store: Pet station

Variety/ Selection: 9
Cleanliness and quality: 8
Staff friendliness and Knowledge: 7
Smiley rating: :good:
They get some rare fish in. They had some pit bull plecos, discus, rams, baby whale, blue shark catfish. They also have salt water fish too. They take good care of their fish.
State: NV
City: Carson city
Store: PetCo

Variety/ Selection: 9
Cleanliness and quality: 8
Staff friendliness and Knowledge: 6
Smiley rating: :good:
I get many of my fish from them. For a chain store they do have a good selection of healthy fish. The people are friendly not all of them know that much but they try and help. They had bristle nose plecos labelled as common plecos. But it's cool because I got one for the price of a small common. They have salt water fish too.

State: NV
City: Carson city
Store: Petsmart

Variety/ Selection: 6
Cleanliness and quality: 3
Staff friendliness and Knowledge: 2
Smiley rating: :no:
They have young kids working that don't give a crap about fish. They can't answer a costumer simple question like Do mollies need heaters or filters? I had to help these people out. I also saw the worst case of Hole in the head on a an Oscar that was on display. All there fish look sick and so many of them are dead or dying. The way they clean the tanks is awful. I would never buy a fish from that place. But they do have some good prices on fish supplies.
BUT they have some good plants.
City: Carson city
Store: Jans Tropics.

Variety/selection: 9
Cleanliness and quality: 5
Staff friendliness and knowledge: 6
Smiley rating: :/

They have fresh and salt water. They have many different kinds and some really big pacu and plecos. I have mixed feeling about this place. They have Red tail catfish that look starved and they had some Sturgon. She also have a nurse shark I feel these fish are too large to be sold to the general public. She should not have them. Also I have seen some unhealthy looking Oscars with hole in head. So of the fish are just sad looking. I did buy a keyhole from her and he is doing ok. Fun store to check out but fish are not kept in the best conditions.
State: NV
City: Reno
Store: Ofishal Aquarium

Variety/selection: CLOSED :byebye:
Cleanliness and quality: 8
Staff friendliness and knowledge: 8
Smiley rating: :-(
This store had salt and freshwater. I LOVED IT! They had a great selection and healthy great fish. They even had a big tank for homeless fish that out grew their tanks or people did not want them. It was the best aquarium store in the area. BUT THEY WENT ALL SALT WATER. that's why I gave them a sad face. The store is still cool they have sharks and sea horses and all kinds of stuff. They are closed now. It was the best shop.
Reposting a couple of my reviews, since these two stores have changed considerably in the last couple months:

State: Michigan
City: Saginaw
Store: Animal Kingdom

Variety/ Selection: 6
Cleanliness and Quality: 6
Staff Friendlyness and Knowledge: 6
Similey rating: :huh:

Pet Paradise's management apparently parted ways. Pet Paradise is closed, the more knowledgeable staff now works at this store. It's cramped, almost as cramped as Scales and Tails, but it is a slightly better store than Pet Paradise.

They've stopped passing off painted fish as exciting new breeds, and I haven't actually seen a painted fish there in a while. Some of the tanks have gotten worse - blue green algae, bacteria blooms, etc, but most of them have improved from the old location. Advice has improved, but is still pretty bum. Several staff members are, however, quite knowledgeable on identification, and confused labellings seem to have been resolved - as of this writing, they have flying foxes and false SAEs both correctly labeled.

Rumor is the other half of Pet Paradise is opening a new store, whether at the new location or where, I don't know, maybe they have something to do with the Soldan's that's supposed to be opening here eventually. The city has six fish stores already, though, and with one store already out and several struggling, there's not much room for more fish stores in such a small city.

State: Michigan
City: Saginaw
Store: Scales and Tails (formerly known as Anthony's Aquatic Adventure)

Variety/ Selection: 8, 10 if you're rich
Cleanliness and Quality: 7
Staff Friendlyness and Knowledge: 4
Similey rating: :unsure:

An improvement over the dark days of a few months ago. Store seems to be under new ownership. The tanks are better maintained than they've been since Anthony quit - the blue green algae overrunning the two tanks by the front window is finally gone. Selection isn't as impressive as it once was, but still has a dozen species you won't find anywhere else without driving to Lansing. The higher number above is for people who can afford their very expensive stuff like paired flowerhorns, proven breeding piranhas, and the freakishly expensive gold piranha in the back corner. Live food supply is still erratic at best - crickets are back in, but blackworm is spotty.

Haven't met all of the new people. The guy I did meet didn't seem to know anywhere near as much as the old staff did. The place still seems to be struggling, and is a long way from regaining its status as the best in town, but they've definitely improved. They are carrying more reptiles than they used to, however, and the new guy does know about them.
State: Georgia
City: Augusta
Store: Bob's Tropical Fish

Variety/ Selection: 8
Cleanliness and quality: 9
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 8
Smiley rating: :)

State: Georgia
City: Augusta
Store: Petco

Variety/ Selection: 4
Cleanliness and quality: 3
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 2
Smiley rating: :angry:

Seriously, never shop for fish at the Augusta Petco. When they first opened they were right up there with Bob's. Now you walk into the fish area and the tanks look horrid. I've gone in there multiple times to find every goldfish either dead or dieing, the saltwater tanks completely filthy, and countless deadfish just left in the tanks. The tank they keep all the plants looks like they just dumped them in. And they keep up price tags for plants and fish who haven't been in stock for over a month.
The odd thing about all of this is that the rest of the animals in the store are kept in top condition. Just the fish area is appalling.
State: New York
City: Fishkill
Store: Fishtopia
Variety/ Selection: 8
Cleanliness and quality: 7
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 9

Great selection, and knowledgeable staff. Some of the tanks do have dead fish in them though, and some of the fish I have gotten from here had shorter lifespans than that of other stores I've purchased from.

State: New York
City: Nanuet
Store: Pets Place II
Variety/ Selection: 10
Cleanliness and quality: 10
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 10
GREAT fish selection, the tanks are crystal clean and all my purchases have been healthy. I wish I could go to this place more often but it's out of the way for me. :(

State: New York
City: Fishkill
Store: Wal-Mart
Variety/ Selection: 2
Cleanliness and quality: 1
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: Didn't ask....

Pretty much what you expect from a Wal-Mart fish section. I feel bad for these fish, Iridescent Sharks being crammed into 10gal, and their Goldfish selection, there were at least 9 or 10 dead fish in there for a LONG time, they only recently cleaned it! I have also seen ich ion these tanks. I have never made a purchase here but my advice: avoid at all costs!

State: New York
City: Poughkeepsie
Store: Petco
Variety/ Selection: 7
Cleanliness and quality: 5
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 7
There are a lot of fish here, and this is the only store I know of that does not sell any dyed/painted fish. However, I see a lot of dead fish in these tanks. Worth a look, but use caution as there might be disease in these tanks.

State: New York
City: Fishkill
Store: Pet Supplies Plus
Variety/ Selection: 6
Cleanliness and quality: 4
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 9
Staff are helpful, but these tanks are a little fishy (no pun intended). I have seen obvious cases of ich, and somebody must have pointed it out because they are currently not allowing fish purchases because of illness. They do occasionally have some rare fish, but I am avoiding buying from here due to ich. The staff are very friendly, but some of the people who put the fish in the tanbks may not know which fishes to mix and not... for example, I saw a tank of Tiger Barbs and Dwarf Gouramis. The Gouramis were being harassed and looked scared! Another tank had Redtail Sharks with Elephantnoses, and the sharks were also being harassing. They have a great selection of decorations for tanks, though.

State: New Jersey
City: Ramsey
Store: Fishtown USA
Variety/ Selection: 6
Cleanliness and quality: 4
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: ?
The tanks were hard to see in there was so much algae! Their website showed a great selection, so I made this hour-long trip to this store, and was very disappointed. No rare fish, even though they claim to have some on their site. I'd pass on this one unless you wanted to buy a pre-setup tank, as they had VERY impressive ones.

State: New York
City: Newburgh
Store: Pet store and Tropical Aquarium
Variety/ Selection: 8
Cleanliness and quality: 10
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 10
One guy runs this store, and he definately knows a lot about fish! This store has a great selection, and I have seen some rare fish here. The only store I've been to that had not a single dead fish in all of the tanks. All my purchases from here have been happy and healthy!

State: New York
City: Newburgh
Store: Pet Store
Variety/ Selection: 7
Cleanliness and quality: 6
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 1 <- got bad advice here :(
While I have seen some rare fish here, they are in TINY tanks. I saw a freshwater Stingray in a 5-7 gallon tank... multiple Silver Dollars in tanks the same size. I also even saw a corydoras catfish, a fish that needs company, in a tank all by itself. Also, above I mentioned I got bad advice here. We were looking to purchase an Albino Redtail Shark and they insisted we got a Redtail Shark to be a companion. I was new to the hobby at the time and bought both. Shortly after, the Black shark killed the White shark. :(

State: New York
City: Yorktown
Store: Petland Discounts
Variety/ Selection: 6
Cleanliness and quality: 8
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: ?

Not the greatest selection of fish, but the tanks were well mantained. But the 'Dicounts' in the name of the store is right on - these are VERY cheap fish. I bought my Dwarf Gourami for only $2 or $3... and he is a healthy fish! I have also seen fish here for under $1, healthy.
:sick:State: OKlahoma
City: Midwest City (close to OKC)
Store: PetVet right by Midwest City High school (as of 21JUN2009)

Variety: (7-8...so 7.5) have a decent FW and SW, as well as some unusual shrimp, have lots of sales too. not too much on live plants though, or care.
Cleanliness: 6, very small but they try
and quality: 7, again small, dont have much for test and upkeep of tank.
Staff friendlyness and Knowledge: 8.5 the guy i talked to knew what he was talking about with all the fish, but seemed to be very knowledgeable of the unusual fish, both SW and FW.

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