Underground Tunnel

You have to look pretty hard to find colore PVC. The regular white ones from homedepot work. I have some myself. No need to cure it. Just wash it in warm water. If you want, you can soak it in boiling water.

If you want to decorate the PVC, you can glue the rocks from your substrate on the outside of it, so it blends. Use Aquarium silicone glue.
That sounds like a nice idea, Drobbins. I want to make something like that, except instead of a tube it would be a half-tube up against the glass so you could see the fish in there. It would be shielded from the tank lights so it would be dark; the room's lighting would be the only source of light. The bottom half of the semicircle would be gravel-filled. I think 2" tubing will be fine for my needs; my clown loaches are pretty small. I was also thinking of connecting a 10-gallon tank to my 32-gallon with 4" tubing so fish could swim through, but that seemed a little crazy...
I know nothing bad will happen with the connected tank idea, but it's impractical for several reasons: Space, leaks and negating the warranty on my expensive light-glo canopy.

Once I move into the basement, anything is possible. There's also concrete floors which means there's no limitation to the weight of the fishtanks down there :D . I think connecting my 32-gallon tank to a 75 gallon tank is a nice idea.
I have one in my 55 gallon tank. I used pvc pipe and 2 elbows. The channel cats and the clown loach love it. Y Gouramis and Convict seem to still be afraid of it even though its been in there for about 4 months. The pictus cat and plecos go in it but do not stay in there for long. I think it is the coolest thing to see one channel cat go into the pipe on the right side of the tank and come out on the other...
I don't think I can send you any cherry barbs, Drobbins. I promised a bunch to my Dad, and I only have about 20 fry, of which mabye 5 will survive to adulthood.

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