I am starting my first planted tank and had a few questions. It is a tall 60 gallon aquarium so I wanted a few taller plants. I live in a town without a local fish store so I will be getting my plants from pet smart so I don't have many options. I really like the look of Amazon swords, but I saw that they need root tabs. I am a little weary of using tabs because I am new to planted tanks and worried about ammonia/nitrate spikes. I know many people use them and other ferts successfully, but being new to planted aquariums I would rather stay more low tech and avoid adding any organic materials and hoping my fish in the well stocked tank will provide enough for my low amount of plants without having to add more. but I figure in my plain aquarium gravel they won't get the nutrients in their roots they need from just the fish.
I was wondering, If i use an undergravel filter and plant my Swords in some gravel above it, would it suck enough organic material from the fish down to give the roots nutrients without extra ferts? i would only have 2 in the tank. I have seen a lot of people warning not to use heavy rooted plants with an under gravel filter because it can clog it up and cause nitrates/ bad bacteria, but If i gravel vac weekly won't I be able to suck up most of what gets tangled in the roots? I don't have to use the undergravel filter, I have 2 HOB filters as well I plan on using so the undergravel would be nice for extra (over) filtration, but is not necessary. I figured it could help get nutrients to plant roots though. After reading a lot on forums I have seen a lot of people say it's not a good idea, but many of the people who I have seen try it said it didn't cause them any problems. Anyone have any thoughts on this? has anyone tried out heavy root plants with UG filter? thanks and sorry if this is a dumb question
I was wondering, If i use an undergravel filter and plant my Swords in some gravel above it, would it suck enough organic material from the fish down to give the roots nutrients without extra ferts? i would only have 2 in the tank. I have seen a lot of people warning not to use heavy rooted plants with an under gravel filter because it can clog it up and cause nitrates/ bad bacteria, but If i gravel vac weekly won't I be able to suck up most of what gets tangled in the roots? I don't have to use the undergravel filter, I have 2 HOB filters as well I plan on using so the undergravel would be nice for extra (over) filtration, but is not necessary. I figured it could help get nutrients to plant roots though. After reading a lot on forums I have seen a lot of people say it's not a good idea, but many of the people who I have seen try it said it didn't cause them any problems. Anyone have any thoughts on this? has anyone tried out heavy root plants with UG filter? thanks and sorry if this is a dumb question