Unbalanced Catfish

So you have a goldfish in a 20 litre tank, if so they given you terrible info on goldifsh.
What type of goldfish do you have and how many.

The first common goldfish needs 20 gallons then 10 gallons for every other one added.
15 gallons for the first fancy goldfish then 10 gallons for every other one added.
Goldfish are massive waste producers so need double the filteration to tank size.

crap i mean 30 litre tank ><

And yeah we got 2 fancy goldfish in there. and i think there called minnow's the bloke sold us
So you have coldwater minnows in the tank with the goldfish aswell.
You need to get a bigger tank as two fancy goldfish need 25 gallons and to be honest thats not great as they need room to swim.
You also need 50 gallon filter to cope with the waste.
So the corys are in with the goldfish.
I'm getting confused.
What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Are the corys old then or have you just bought them.
So you have coldwater minnows in the tank with the goldfish aswell.
You need to get a bigger tank as two fancy goldfish need 25 gallons and to be honest thats not great as they need room to swim.
You also need 50 gallon filter to cope with the waste.
So the corys are in with the goldfish.
I'm getting confused.
What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Are the corys old then or have you just bought them.

ooo the corys are in the 90litre tropical tank

the 2 goldies are in our 30 litre tank.. and i dunno if there called minnows it was a guess lol

Corys are nearly a year old now
Is it possible to load a pick up of the goldish.
Minnows or tiny fish I think, never kept them.

There only young corys then as they can live to 5 years I think.
Are the corys in the 90 litre tank, or in a net in the goldfish tank.
Is it possible to load a pick up of the goldish.
Minnows or tiny fish I think, never kept them.

There only young corys then as they can live to 5 years I think.
Are the corys in the 90 litre tank, or in a net in the goldfish tank.

in the 90 litre tank the corys are

load a pick up of the golfish? what you mean?
Is it possible to take a pic of the goldfish in the tank and load the pic up on here.
On do a search on goldfish types and say which yours look like.
Wait a minute there some on here will get the link for you.

There cute.
Bless them the tanks way to small i'm afraid.
I have kept goldfish and know how much waste they produce.
Plus they need room to move and grow.
You need at least a 25 to 30 gallon tank.
50 gallon filter.
Some lfs make me sick as they selling this small tanks for goldfish and its cruel, they usually end up dying as there death traps.
There cute.
Bless them the tanks way to small i'm afraid.
I have kept goldfish and know how much waste they produce.
Plus they need room to move and grow.
You need at least a 25 to 30 gallon tank.
50 gallon filter.
Some lfs make me sick as they selling this small tanks for goldfish and its cruel, they usually end up dying as there death traps.

oh :( well im sorry for not knowing :( i really didnt know they needed that huge space :( I know this is not a excuse, but the shop said it would be fine to have 2 so i got to.
:( Sad to say the peppered cory has now passed away :(

Now the other one is doing the exactly the same thing.. rest of the fish are fine though :S

I don't get it :S unless the fish shop had them for a pretty long time before i got them? :S Old age? :(
I doubt its old age, corys go fast at lfs.
It could of been a bacterial infections and feeding to many dried foods.
Bless him R.I.P.

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